Hi i want to make my own organic cactus soil. If anyone would like to share please do. Also is pearlite considered organic? thanks
This is a good mix for sowing cactus seeds and for indoor potted cacti and succulents. 2 parts coarse or gritty sand with large particles. 1 part garden loam 1 part peat substitute (which is fertilized and with lime.) 3 parts small pebbles, gravel or similar - anything that will make the soil "loose or easy draining.' If you are planting your cactus in your garden then I would add 4 parts garden loam to the mix instead of just one.
Cactus soil for container grown plants is much the same as bonsai soil. Tools I would have you use (be they made or bought) one each 1/4 inch hardware cloth sifter, 1/8 inch hardware cloth sifter, 1/16 inch hardware cloth sifter. Pre made ones are often stackable What ever will not pass through the 1/4 in screen is too big. what ever does pass through the 1/16 inch screen is too small. Mix one part each sifted coarse sand or decomposed granite, with one part siften bark mulch fines, 1/8 part sifted crushed oyster shell. You will need to supliment this with the liquid fertilizer of your choice at least twice a month spring summer and fall. I watered mine on a five day schedule. I took a block of wood and numbered it: 5. 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 for the next day it was due for water...