I'm just wondering why there are so few posts in this area. Are there very few organic gardeners here? Is the title hard to find? Curious.....
I'd bet there are lots of organic gardeners here, but you hit the nail on the head--the topic heading is a bit hard to find. We are as organic as possible when we are surrounded by farms and ranches that fertilize their crops. We haven't so far, but we could get drift. The farmers are very careful when they apply anything--they are paying for it and don't want the benefit to end up in a neighbor's field!
Organic gardening is hard, but I am trying my best! Good luck with your organic garden. And if you have any tips to share on a forum or blog I'd love to read them. I may just write a blog on what I have tried and share the out comes of what has and hasnt worked!
After reading your post rockhound, I scanned through the Gardening Other forum and found a few posts that were organic gardening related but had been posted in the Gardening Other forum....so I moved them over. I don't know if the Organic Gardening forum is difficult to find, if you are thinking your post should be in the Gardening Other forum you will see the sub-forum Organic Gardening and can post there instead. I think it might be that the subject of Organic Gardening brings to mind Not using chemicals..i.e. fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, etc. and we all try to not use them if at all possible. But sometimes we just don't think about being organic as being proactive...composting, mulching, using natural ingredients for feeding plants, killing weeds, preventing and treating plant diseases. Putting topics about those activities under the Organic Gardening forum just doesn't come to mind when posting so they get put in the general forum instead. Mrs. G. (and any one else so interested) any tips you wish to share or experiences you have tried that did or didn't work out, please put them in the Organic Gardening forum. More members and visitors read the Forum posts than Blog entries, so your information will get more readers and conversations going in the forums.
Netty, I haven't noticed any of your posts needing to be moved, so you must be doing something right It's the questions and suggestions that sometimes don't find their way into that forum. I moved some composting topics over there today and I am thinking maybe rain water collection should be there too. I think organic is pretty much the common gardening practice of members on GardenStew, so the general gardening discussions really don't need to be divided between organic and non-organic unless there is information specifically about an organic method, theory, practice, etc.
I am currently working through some future changes and features for GardenStew so I will also work on adding smaller links to sub-forums underneath the parent forums on the homepage. Hopefully this will improve visibility