I was driving around out in the country and went into another county Leon).I noticed a bunch of Red wild flowers along the road side.I was in an area I had never been before so I didn't get out. I took the pictures through the window but will go back and dig some up later ,like tomorrow. First two are at a distance and the last one is lots closer up. Does anyone know what its Name ? One more even closer.
Glenda that's a Standing Cypress. I really want to get some for the front yard but just keep putting it off.
I'll try to get you some seeds when they start seeding toni.I wonder how hard they are to start from seeds?
Thank you toni and Sharon. Flower Essence Gallery - Standing Cypress - Ipomopsis rubra View flower essences in their natural state before they are picked and processed into dosage tincture. Learn the many types of issues that can be treated ... http://healing.about.com/od/floweressen ... ypress.htm
You thief you !!!!! Those are very pretty. I suppose no one lives around there and that they just come up wild. :-o
Oh boy you certainly find some beautiful plants in ditches Glenda!! Around here we're not allowed to dig up wild plants - we could be arrested if we did - but I've drooled over quite a few that I've seen and had itchy fingers. I do harvest seeds though when, and if, I can.
I would love some seeds Glenda. They are supposed to be very easy to grow from seed. It does require a little patience, which is one of the things that their floral essence is used to overcome, because germination takes 2-4 weeks.
Were not suppose to dig them up either but their miles down a dirt road and .I saw 2 people the whole time I was down that road.I usually carry my little shovel but I took it out for some reason.
Great find Glenda. They are very pretty. Good luck getting them and be sure to send us another pic with them in your yard.