Painting a Flower bed???

Discussion in 'Garden Design' started by beechance, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. beechance

    beechance New Seed

    Mar 5, 2007
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    Indiana County PA
    I hope this doesn't seem like a stupid question...But here goes. In my life money is short and have used all sorts of things in my yard and garden as decoration and useful items... I have had this old tractor tire in my yard for atleast 5 yrs now, the only thing in planted in it at the moment is my catus and lavender.
    The question is...I want to paint it this year, but should I be safe and paint it with a brush or would I be safe to cover the dirt and plants with plastic or paper and use spray paint? And what type of paint should I use on rubber that will last? When it was given to me it was painted light blue and has faded to more of a dull gray...Want to do white this time so the lavender and catus show up more....Any advice would be greatly appricated...Thanks
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Since you already have plants in it, I would go with the brush on paint. Not just because of those plants but because the spray will get on anything and everything around and behind it. Latex paint I would guess would be the best. Sitting in the sun and weather the paint is going to fade and possibly peel eventually no matter what paint you use.

    I don't know about this guy but he suggests using a good primer first then latex paint.

    I wouldn't go with white tho if you want the plants to stand out. A large tracker tire painted white is all that will stand out and no one will be looking at the plants. Personally I would use a terra cotta color, from a distance the eye would be fooled into thinking it was a really large clay pot and the viewer would automatically look for the plants inside it.
  4. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    I use tires lots as they hold water better and around here as dry as it was last summer all the things in tires did much better than anywhere
    else.I was going to paint mine last year but ran out of time.I will try the terra cotta colar like toni said if I have time this year.

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