Plant life length in greenhouse

Discussion in 'Greenhouse' started by rOckabLe, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. rOckabLe

    rOckabLe New Seed

    May 19, 2010
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    Palmdale, Ca
    Hallo! Im a newer gardener, with a greenhouse, and was wondering whats the average life span for veggies in a greenhouse? I've heard pepper plants can last a couple years before they give out and have to be replaced. Or is it the exact opposite? Do they have a certain life span before they're just all leafs? I've been told Naga Jolokias have a 6 year life span, and Jalapenos 3, after that they need to be replaced. An old co-worker said he had a caged tomato plant last 2 years before "fruiting out" as he put it. This same man said he had both zuchinni and summer squash last several years before he had to plant new seeds. Should I keep them all in pots or try to ground plant them in the GH? Im so lost when it comes to greenhouses! What kinda low temp will kill my peppers and tomatoes once they're in the GH? What are good companions to keep all the GH buggies to a minimum? Does mulching with sand really work to keep humidity rot and bugs away? Im having a problem rite now with these tiny little white bug things that im guessing turn into green bug things, they look like aphids but they're not, almost like greenish tiny flies that pester my cilantro so! Any input or links are much appreciated!
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Many members here who have greenhouses, have plants both in pots and in the I think that depends on what you want and how much space you have.

    Life expectancy of a plant is dependent on many things...the type of plant, the growing conditions, how often you feed it and how much, how often you pick the produce, etc. I would just start the plants, not worry about how long they will live, anything over a full growing season is an added bonus since most veggies are annuals.

    The same temperature that kills a plant outside will kill it in a greenhouse if the greenhouse isn't heated in some way. Sun thru the glass will only last so long when the temps outside start dropping so you will need to have a heater of some sort inside if you have cold winters.

    Keep a good insecticidal soap on hand to spray for the bugs on plants.

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