feels like the search query brings up results for searches when it shouldn't. I bought these seeds called 'Southport White Globe' (NON-GMO) White Bunching Onion - NEW! so naturally I try to search: "Southport White Globe" and I get A LOT of results because of the word "white", the search query must be matching names with OR, thus finding plants that have "Southport" OR "White" OR "Globe" in there description. I would suggest using AND so a plant must contain all of the words inputted in the search. or even better add a checkbox " Match all words " just an idea. thanks.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Sou...hing+onion&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b Did you add "bunching onion" to that search ? Seems OK to me !
i'm talking about the search in the plant section of this forum https://www.gardenstew.com/plantstew/search.php?q=Southport+White+Globe implementing a good search is really hard, but maybe a simple way to make it slightly better would be to have a checkbox " match all words " IDK if this forum software is "off the shelf" or the admins can make edits to the php code... anyway, my point is I was trying to find plants, and I found myself having a bit of a hard time.
Our Plants section depends on the members suggesting a plant....so if no one has suggested it or it is a relatively new plant that was not available when our database was created, then no amount of searching will find it. Once a member suggests a plant then either Frank or I will enter it and add basic information for it after which other members can add important information from their growing experience with the plant. If you do not find your plant in the database then you can suggest it and we will enter it. Also, you were using more words than necessary.....leave off White and Globe. Start with onion or bunching onion and then scroll through the 14 pages of entries.
Yep, implementing a search function is hard. I tried a few setups when I was implementing the search function and decided this one was the best, but it's not perfect. My recommendation when searching is to search for the least common word first i.e. @adam.ca in your example that would be 'Southport'. It's not a solution but it should help in future. Thanks for your feedback!
when I was first using the search I was getting many results, so I would look through all of them to see if could find it. of course, the only reason I got results was cuz of a common word, soo looking through the list was pointless. but I see it seems to put the best match ontop. and like you say i can just search for 1 word. good good