Some of these are from a while back. Did these addition suggestions get lost in space? Jul 12 2013 Zamioculcas zamiifolia ( Jul 28 2013 Euphorbia maculata ( Sep 09 2014 Callisia gentlei ( Sep 09 2014 Callisia navicularis ( TY!
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Aroid Palm, ZZ Plant) Was already in the database, sure thought I PMed you about that, sorry. Chamaesyce nutans is the synonym for Euphorbia maculata and is our database already. Callisia gentlei was suggested while I was recuperating from my first surgery so I really don't know what happened there. But if you will suggest it again, we will take care of it. Same thing for Callisia navicularis They both probably fell through cracks into that nether region called the black hole of the internet.
That helps a lot, TY! Jogs a faint memory too. Is it possible for me to delete these? I fear I may ask this same thing again some time, from forgetting what the outcome was, when I look at "pending approval" thingie. They are still there when I look at that. IDK why I'm having trouble finding ZZ plant? Aside from typing Zamioculas (missing a C) several times, some kind of mental block, searching for ZZ doesn't bring it up. That's listed as one of the common names, which usually finds a plant in a search that I can't find by proper epithet. Probably something I'm doing, but IDK what. The internet is full of black holes, not your fault at all! Hope you are back to feeling 100% from your recovery. Have a great, awesome evening!
Hi PIO, if you see that a plant has fallen far behind on the submissions list please resuggest it as it will do no harm. Sometimes we can miss the occasional suggestion if we were caught up with something at the time or if there was a glut of suggestions in a short period of time.