So this part of my porch gets shade just about 10 months or so if not all year. I was wandering is there some cheap but yet colorful/pretty/small plants that can live there? Same for the other side which is where the side is with my house?
There are many plants that require full shade. Some will grow where you are and some will not, depending on the soil conditions. Some require consistently moist soil and some thrive on dry. Hosta, Ferns, Astilbe, Bleeding Heart, Persian Shield, Trout Lilies, Hydrangea, Impatiens, some varieties of Petunias, Foxglove requires part shade, Heuchera, some evening primrose, Lily of the Valley, Hellebore. Do you have a garden center of anykind local that you can wander thru. They will have a variety of plants that grow in your area and can steer you to shade plants that will do well for you.
Hi! I see you're in Florida -- lucky you. Your growing season is awesome and you can get all of those tropicals. I can't. In the shade, look for plants that have variegated leaves (leaves that have more than one color). Also watch that you get some great texture. Some of my favorite combos are big-leafed hosta with ferns. (Some hosta definitely get bigger than others). If you can leave them in the ground all winter, I'd also throw some Caladiums in there. Definitely take a trip to a full-time nursery -- find one where all they do is plants, not a box-store who 'also does' plants. A good nursery will help you find some great choices. Heidi