Provencal French food recipes

Discussion in 'Recipes and Cooking' started by Jacynthe, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Jacynthe

    Jacynthe New Seed

    Oct 17, 2013
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    We’ve been looking for Provencal French food recipes for few weeks now; we didn’t find any. We would be grateful if anyone can share some here.

    Many thanks,
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  3. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    I'm sorry I haven't posted earlier, but I do have some nice recipes.
    First, herbes de provence:
    Equal amounts of dried thyme, savory, oregano, and marjoram. This is the basic mix, but some people add dried lavender blossoms, sage, or fennel seeds. I do the basic mix and keep it in a jar out of direct light, and add what I need for a specific recipe. Don't crush the herbs and then store them. Whole leaves keep their flavor longer, and can be crushed or crumbled just before using.
    Second, Bourride, a fish soup that is very substantial!
    2 lb. firm white fish
    2 pints water
    4 fl. oz. white wine (dry, not sweet)
    1 chopped medium onion
    slice of lemon
    curl of orange peel
    1/2 tsp. salt
    pepper to taste
    1 bay leaf
    bunch of fennel and thyme (if fresh isn't available, use 1 tblsp. thyme and 3/4 tblsp. fennel crushed)
    3 egg yolks
    3 tblsps. cream
    2/3 c. X-virgin olive oil
    toasted French bread
    2 cloves garlic

    Cut fish into thick slices, put water into a large pan and add wine, onion, lemon, orange peel, seasoning and herbs. Bring to a boil and add fish. Simmer 12-15 minutes until just cooked. Lift fish from broth, put on a deep serving platter and cover with foil, and keep warm in a 200 degree oven.
    Make a sauce of the garlic cloves, one of the egg yolks, 2/3 c. of olive oil, a bit of warm water (for thinning), lemon juice and salt and pepper.
    Make a paste of the garlic cloves and egg yolk (this can be done in a mini-food processor, or with a mortar and pestle). Add oil little by little. When mixture starts to thicken, and lemon juice, a bit of warm water, and more oil. Repeat this process until the oil is used and you have a mayonnaise consistency.
    Add half the sauce, little by little, to the fish stock, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon (wooden spoon is really necessary, trust me). Over gentle heat, stir until the soup coats the spoon and the soup is smooth and creamy (if you use a metal spoon it heats up and will curdle the soup). Don't let the soup boil!
    Serve the soup with toasted rounds of French bread rubbed with garlic and topped with most of the remaining sauce.
    Serve the fish slices with a bit of the soup poured over, and also a bit of the sauce.
    Serves 6.
    This is a summer dish, but well worth waiting for:
    Tomatoes a la provencale
    Per person:
    2 ripe tomatoes
    1 tblsp. olive oil
    salt (I like sea salt, but any salt will do)
    1/2 tsp. sugar
    1/2 clove garlic, chopped fine
    1 tblsp. chopped tarragon
    Cut tomatoes in half across, de-seed and drain as much liquid as possible (I put them on a fine mesh cooling rack with a paper towel or two below, and let them sit for an hour)
    Heat olive oil in a large heavy frying pan, put the tomatoes open side down and cook gently for 45 minutes, moving them around several times.
    Turn the tomato halves over gently, add salt, sugar, garlic, tarragon and a few drops of olive oil to each one. Cook for 45 minutes and serve warm.

    I hope you enjoy these recipes!
    Frank, Henry Johnson and Jewell like this.
  4. Jacynthe

    Jacynthe New Seed

    Oct 17, 2013
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    Thank you for the recipe marlin, it doesn't matter I appreciated the attention. Your recipe is very interesting and yet sounds delicious. I'll try it once at home, anyway I'm waiting for other ones.
  5. Melinda

    Melinda New Seed

    Oct 17, 2013
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    I had the opportunity to travel in France and like you Jacynthe, I still remember the taste of Provencal French food, I really like it. I’m in Liverpool and despite of the distance, I’m looking for some dishes. I don’t know much about cooking though I’ll give everything for sauerkraut dishes.

  6. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Thanks Jane. Can't wait to try all.

    Jacynthe, All Jane's recipes are tried and true. I know you will enjoy them.
  7. Jacynthe

    Jacynthe New Seed

    Oct 17, 2013
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    I’ll entirely trust on Jane’s recipes Donna. Are you looking for recipes or ready-to-eat meals Melinda? If I was not wrong you said that you do not know much about cooking, don’t you? :)
  8. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Hey MG,, on the tomato dish above,,is that 45 minutes as you have it written or 4 to 5 minutes? 45 minutes twice?
  9. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Mart, it's 45 minutes twice--a total of 1 and a half hours. The tomatoes have an almost leathery consistency, and get sweeter. Of course, I should have mentioned use full-size tomatoes, not cherries. With the cherry tomatoes you just would have a bit of tomato stuck to the bottom of the pan!
  10. Gwen17

    Gwen17 New Seed

    Oct 17, 2013
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    Have you ever heard of....Link Removed...? My husband and I use to order ready-to-eat meals there for few weeks now; they have large variety of gourmet products including sauerkraut dishes, it is my husband’s favorite, delicious one. I can’t blame you if you are fond of it Melinda :)

    moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
  11. Melinda

    Melinda New Seed

    Oct 17, 2013
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    That’s very kind of you marlin, in fact you’re not wrong Jacynthe, it is really the case, I do not know much about cooking, none of us at home does. Thanks a lot Gwen, it’s the first time I discovered this brand, really interesting, it seems as if they give prizes too, don’t they?

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