Or are they alleopathic? I had hoped to bundle my onions and garlics in a string, but I think I waited too long. Tops are well dried and just break off. So I have a lot of oinion and garlic tops to dispose of. Can I use them as a winter mulch in the veggie garden?
I add ours to the compost pile, but can't see any harm in using them for winter mulch, especially if you toss a bit of soil on top of them (just a bit!).
Well Cayu--Those onion and garlic tops are supposed to be dead, dry and frail before you make springs. However, if you add the tops to your compost or garden soil they ought to be oké. I would not use the onion skins themselves though as they could contain white fungus. BTW Cayu--I did double-check if onion debris can go on compost or on the soil...and it can. When you used the term "alleopathic", I wasn't sure if you meant positive or negative alleopathy...I assume the latter.
Yes I meant the latter (didn't know there was a former!). You know, like the jugalone walnut trees (and to a lesser degree hickories & ??pecans ) emit?
I gotcha...there are several trees that have this effect upon the soil; below the,...to keep the weeds down presumably. Anyhow mate--you are good with onion foliage, I believe.