When I'm responding to a post, whether it's a thread I started or someone else's, I am unable to quote anything from the last post in that thread. The "quote" button is grayed out and not clickable even though the other buttons are active. Even if the last post is my own, it's the same thing. The "edit," "save," and "delete," buttons are all active, but the "quote" button is not (and I know it's bad form to quote oneself, but I'm just giving you all the information. ) Am I doing something wrong? Edited to add: Just so we're clear, this only happens with the LAST post on any thread. I can click on the quote button and get the appropriate response on any other post but the very last one, which simply doesn't allow it.
No, I just think you aren't doing enough. First, open another tab for the Stew, then using the edit feature on Google highlight and copy the pertinent phrase, then return to the original tab for the Stew and hit Post a Reply. Copy the phrase into the message box, highlight it, and then hit the quote button. I think something has to be highlighted to activate the quote button. However, Frank and/or Toni can give you a coherent explanation, I'm sure!
Hi Ronni, the reason the Quote button is grayed out on the last post only is to prevent post content from being duplicated unnecessarily. For example we found that the last post was being quoted a lot which doesn't make a lot of sense as the posts are in sequence anyhow. So to make threads more readable the link was grayed out. Hope this answers your question Ronni!
It does Frank. Thank you. I belong to several other forums that address other interests/hobbies of mine. On a couple of them the responses to a thread are often quick enough that by the time I've gotten done responding to the last post in a thread and posted it, someone else has responded first. So if I don't quote what I'm responding to, confusion frequently results as the other posters are trying to figure out what I'm talking about...or *I* do if it's someone else who's responded without quoting. I guess the response time isn't as quick or as prolific here, so it's not as necessary to have the ability to quote the last response. As a natural progression to this discussion, my next question follows: If I want to quote the last post, is my quickest option to copy what I want to quote, go to the response window, hit the "quote" button,and paste what I've copied? It's what I did here, with your post, which was the last in the thread. Doing it that way doesn't include who the quoted post is from, just the text.
Well, if I do it like this: Hmmm....well, that didn't seem to work the way I thought it would. How about this: Nope. Not that either. Uh.........oh! Let's see what this does. Ok, now we're getting somewhere! "Frank" LOL! OK I officially give up. Well, no, I don't....I'm too anal/ocd for that HA!! Now I just need to figure out what I did.
Ronni, I open the "new post" and highlight and drag the quote ( I have to have the screen up high enough to do this, I have to see both the old post and the box for my post on the same screen) if I need the last one that was posted then I highlight it again and click on the "quote" button. make sense?
Tooty....it is so much easier for me to have someone show me how to do it...than to read the directions and figure it out.
If you are responding to a comment or question in the last post of a topic, it is much easier to just start your comment with their name...i.e. Hey George, I think you are absolutely right...etc. etc. And when you do use the quote feature be sure to clean out photos from the original post and just leave the text.
The following code will produce a quote such as the one below. Code: [quote="toni"]And when you do use the quote feature be sure to clean out photos from the original post and just leave the text.[/quote] Be sure to add the quotation marks before and after the users name, and be sure to add the forward slash before quote in the closing code.
Attwood you got tagged by me because double posting is against the forum rules. If you need to respond to two or more people, put them all in one post. And if you think of something to add and no one else has posted since your last one, then click on the word Edit and add it to the previous post instead of starting a new post.