He had been struggling with cancer for about a year but it took over his body a few months ago. The decline was steady and painful to watch but that is what cancer does. He passed peacefully last Monday afternoon, at home with his wife of 66 years close. His funeral was Thursday afternoon. We would all appreciate any good thoughts and prayers you can send for his family.
Oh, Toni, my thoughts and condolences to both Randy and you. Please accept our prayers to you both, and to his wife.
Toni I am so sorry. Cancer is such a painful illness & so tough on the family. Please accept my condolences.
Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers, I know it has helped his Mom knowing that so many people who do not even know her are thinking of her.
My thanks to all for your concern and well wishes. Mom is doing well and adjusting to her new life. She had time to say her goodbyes and grieve as she tended him in his last days. Fortunately, he experienced little pain, and what little there was could be treated with meds supplied by hospice care.
I am sorry for your families loss. We know how hard it is to have someone not well, we just went through it with my husbands father. He had dementia and it is a hard thing to deal with. I am glad Mom is doing well.
Very sorry to hear about your loss Randy. Sending my best thoughts and wishes to you and your family.