Yesterday we learned of Polly's tragic passing as well with her husband Dane. You can use this topic to share words or memories to remember Polly by. Her profile page can be located here: ... file&u=595 I'll remember you always Polly as our Thumb Gardener, her chosen title on the site. RIP Polly and Dane.
She was very devoted to the youth in her church. Always traveling with them to Bible verse competitions and other events. I'm sure she and Dan will be greatly missed by them and it will seem strange not seeing her on here any more.
Polly's life was not easy but she never complained. She took her troubles to her church and received help from her friends and her God. Dane had a handicapp from falling off the roof when he was clearing it of heavy snow. He did his share by doing woodworking and building things in a home workshop. I'm sure many people will miss them. dooley
I remember Polly telling us about her five cats and about Blackberry (her husbands workshop cat) who was killed in a road accident just last month. Never once did I think that the same fate would take both her and Dane less than a month later. They had been married for 35 years and in a way, I'm glad they died together, rather than one of them being left to grieve for the other. Polly will be sorely missed here at GardenStew. I know, I for one, will find it difficult not to look for her posts from now on.
I did not know Polly, but I went to her garden site, and a picture of one of her cats was there. I really liked her cat picture, but there were no other pictures of her garden or anything? I am glad to know they were Christians, maybe someday I can meet them in person. I am sorry they are gone, for now I won't get to know her.
I'm still in shock. I remember having many chats with Polly about our (very similar) weather and garden plants. Her involvement with the church and youth always impressed me. She was busy but always made the time to help others. Rest in Peace Polly and Dane.
:'( What horribly sad news. I remember sharing notes with her and getting advice on some of my plants not to long ago. My heart and prayers go out to their family. I know one of the hardest things for me would be that one was not able to say good bye. AAnightowl: I was also glad to hear that they were Christians. Like you I plan on meeting them some day. What a wonderful garden party we will have then.
I will miss you Polly.Im sure your youth group has been missing you so much.At least your both together.I for one will sure miss you.