Replanting my corn and beans?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by MOFishin, May 22, 2016.

  1. MOFishin

    MOFishin New Seed

    May 20, 2016
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    Central Missouri 6A
    I planted corn seeds on May 6th and bush beans on the 7th. At what point should I give up on them? It's been 2 weeks, so I don't think they're going to sprout.

    I have been especially worried about these crops in particular because A. They aren't in the sunniest area of my garden. And B. My friend's tiller (which is probably 40-50 years old) was having problems and eventually broke down. So grass in that particular area has been a problem. Oh, and I'm sure our especially cold spring here hasn't helped the seedling any either.

    I'm thinking I will just re-till and re-plant.
    Also, besides tilling better, what would you do to encourage growth if/when I replant? Should I start the seeds in paper towels? Should I till in some manure?
    This is my 2nd garden ever and 1st time growing from seed, so I basically have zero experience here.

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  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Given that you have had a cold Spring... maybe colder and longer than normal? we have had the coldest May on record I do believe... in the 40's all month long so far and two days last week in the low 30's at nighttime. It ruined this years grape crop.. this week seems to be warming up though. Our corn was really sketchy coming up and the one crop of beans didn't come up either. We will replant it. So, I think you should probably give up on that crop and try again not wasting the space on what might come up.
    MOFishin likes this.
  4. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    The corn may be alright, but the beans...well, that depends upon how wet it has been. I have found that if you plant directly into the ground, you have to get the timing exactly right, otherwise the beans may well rot after a week.

    I plant my beans and corn indoors and then plant them out when the time is right. That way they have a better chance of survival and I can see what the germination rate is.
    MOFishin likes this.
  5. MOFishin

    MOFishin New Seed

    May 20, 2016
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    Central Missouri 6A
    Sounds like you've been having the same weather as I have. Long cold spring and just now warming up. I have way more seeds than I need, and I really am hating looking at that wasted garden space. The wasted space is my main concern.

    We have had plenty of rain. I don't think I had my timing right, like you said. Now that it is warming up, it might be perfect timing.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
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  6. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Beans can stand a lot...once they have matured, but in the first couple of weeks, it is touch and go. They can be so persnikkety.
    I can only say that if you intend upon planting them outside, then wait until dry and sunny days are forecast for a stretch of at least four days.
    I would even make a trench or hole to plant them in early in the morning and then after letting the shining sun warm the trench or hole up until say 12:30 or 13:00 hours...then sow the seeds and cover. Water the seeds thoroughly the day you plant them and then not again unless the plantlets actually show signs of stress.

    Mate, I am crossing my fingers for you.
    MOFishin likes this.
  7. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Yep... just plain miserable cold and damp. I had a swarm go into one hive on Wed of last week and the weather has been nasty starting on the following Sat. We had rain, cold, freeze, snow... yuck and a farmers market on that Sat. It was awful. This week hasn't been terrible warm or condusive to working with bees. Hopefully this week (it looks it so far) is much better.
    MOFishin likes this.
  8. MOFishin

    MOFishin New Seed

    May 20, 2016
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    Central Missouri 6A
    Yeah, lots of rain and cold. Even had golf ball sized hail here one day. I'm lucky that didn't damage any of my plants, or my truck for that matter. It's been slowly warming up the last few days, and this coming week looks even warmer, yet more rain every day.

    I'm going to try to follow that advice. The stretch of at least 4 sunny days will be tricky though. The 10 day forecast is showing a chance of rain every day, with most of those days being an 80-90% chance.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  9. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    With such a forecast, I would suggest that you germinate some beans on your sunniest windowsill, because you can plant them outside and the weather is then not a factor, so to speak. Once these are in the ground you could then always later supplement your planted beans with planting more seeds in the ground.

    There are different choices for your beans. You can even plant them as late as the end of june, so try and not be too impatient.

    I have travelled through Missouri and visited a few things of interest. I found it a warm and humid place, especially around St. Louis. My general impression was that there was a lot of greeness, which I thought looked wonderful. I saw farmland and some woods...but I remember the fields. I was most interested in visiting Hannibal, of course.

    Oké then, I shall stop waffling on now and wish you the best with your beans. The corn that you planted out may well come up. Our neighbour at the lottie complex had to wait 3 weeks before his came up this year.
    MOFishin likes this.
  10. MOFishin

    MOFishin New Seed

    May 20, 2016
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    Central Missouri 6A
    Sjoerd, your general impression is correct. We usually have very warm and humid summers. Lots of good scenery too, as you described. I'm about an hour-an hour and 15 minutes drive southwest of Hannibal.
    Thanks for the tips. Being patient is really difficult right now, since I am so sick of looking at the wasted space in that part of my garden, but I will try.

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