For many of you robins are a common bird. We sometimes get them on migration, but not always so they are definitely not common for us. Today I came home from the grocery and my husband told me to look at the bird watering station. We had seven or eight robins! Last year, no robins at all. We are hoping to get more, and that they stick around for a while.
Yes !! Congrats MG. Guess what? We saw robins here yesterday. In the dead of winter. They typically head south and their return is one of the signs of spring. But I suppose you already know that.
Several years ago we had a bunch of them,, now we are lucky if we see one or two ! This year,, just one !
Our robins are here all year round. They are very territorial though and the dominant one will chase all the others away.
Better tell ‘em that our robins are different than theirs. The little robins in our country do migrate. Our ones migrate from russia and britain. That means that the robins that we see now will not be the same robins that we could see in the summer. They are strange in that respect.
We are lucky and have them all the year. In the fall I freeze bags of berries for the winter and hang them up. I also put a wreath outside (and ask a bird to sit in.) Then I make a few cards up.
They are Mountain Ash berries, we have a tree in the yard. I've done it for a few years now. A few other birds enjoy them also.
We find that "Rocky" our robin is the bravest of all the birds that visit our feeders. It takes a lot for anything to interupt his searching for the food other birds have dropped on the patio.