H i everyone , does any one have any ideas on what to do with a hill on the side of my driveway? We have rocks on it now but is there something I can put there with my rocks to make it more colorful, In between the rocks? Any ideas would be appreciated. Margie
Is it a spot that gets full sun, partial sun or shade? Need to know that before we can make suggestions
driveway Hi Toni this spot is a place that gets mostly sun, I think it would be nice if I could put something there, This is the first thing people see when they drive up the drive, so I wanted it to look good. Thank you Margie
Oh, you lucky thing you. Stick with native stuff and go for any of the Lewisia's, especially L. cotyledon. then there are lots of forms of low growing Phlox, either forms of P. subulata or P. douglasii. They would love it. There are also some American Campanulas which would grow well there too. Hmmm, wish I had a rock wall. PS Forgot about the many different American Sedums, like S. spathulifolium and S. oregonense and so on.