Well, I'm no green thumb, (the only plants that like me enough to stay alive are my broms ), but I suspect anyone who knows anything about gardening will be able to answer this one off the top of their head. I took a photo of a plant and would like to know what it's called. The photo I took is abstract, so I knew that posting it on a forum like this one wouldn't necessarily get me too far in the ID stakes, so instead I googled my butt off to try and find the name myself, but came up empty. Then lo and behold, I saw a photo of the plant in the banner at the top of a webpage, so I've got a photo of it, but still no closer to knowing the name, which is why I'm here. Not the flowers in the background, I'm talking about the shrubby thing in the foreground with the grey/green foliage which are pink/purple in the middle. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out!
That is a flowering cabbage/kale, an ornamental for the fall. They are really pretty. http://faculty.ucc.edu/biology-ombrello/POW/cabbage.htm Welcome to the Stew.
Here's a website that might help you with your ornamental cabbages Phee. :-D http://www.umass.edu/umext/floriculture ... bkale.html Nice to have you here with us at the Stew by the way.
Phee, I had a look at your photo. GREAT!!! You are right, we never would have identified the plant. Now you have given me an idea about shooting my own kale.
Thanks everyone! Thanks, pondlady. I just looked right down on top of the kale, set the camera to a longer shutter speed, and spun the camera around while the shutter was open. You never know quite what you're gonna get when you try something like that, but it's a wonderful surprise when it works and you end up with a photo worth keeping!