seed and seedling 2012

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by Theodoros, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
    Likes Received:
    I like grow plant from seed very much
    :-D.Every year,, 200 almost planting seed..

    today I have
    Calochortus plummerae

    Clematis integrifolia

    Lathyrus aureus

    3-month seedling
    Chiranthodendron pentadactylon
    and new

    Verbascum phoeniceum

    Adonis aestivalis

    Habranthus tubispathus


    Jovellana punctata
    Frank, Donna S, Philip Nulty and 3 others like this.
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
    Likes Received:
    I'm impressed as those seedlings all look very healthy and strong. I hope you'll post more photographs of them as they continue to grow for you.
  4. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
    Likes Received:
    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    I guess the number of plants you have will be increasing now that you have all these healthy seedlings. :stew2:
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
    Likes Received:
    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Very nice seedlings!! Are they all plants that you don't already have among the other 1000+ plants?

    Please post more photos as they grow, it is very exciting to see new life taking shape.

  6. kathyd

    kathyd In Flower

    Aug 10, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Southern New Jersey
    Your seedlings look healthy and are growing very nicely. I enjoy seeing the progress of new plants coming up.
  7. sewNsow

    sewNsow In Flower

    Jan 8, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Iowa z5
    What an impressive assortment of seedlings.I'm looking forward to their progress.I'm looking for the Adonis seeds.I recently read a review on a type of Adonis & it said it is often overlooked but a good plant.
    Good luck!
  8. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
    Likes Received:
    thank all of you
    Doris i have seeds Adonis and i can your send
    yes Toni is very exciting to see new life taking shape :-D
    yes of course I post more photographs

    now I am writing
    my list and my expierience germination seed
    I hope that it will help you..
    1]salvia horminum
    ¶sprout in 2 days
    ¶2]delphinium pasific
    ¶sprout in 4 days. ¶
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶4]reseda odorata
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶5]salpiglossis sinuata
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶6]papaver nudicaule
    ¶sprout in 8 days
    ¶fytrse in 9 days
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    ¶9]lathyrus latifolius
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶10]mimulus luteus
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    ¶11]chrysanthemum segetum
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    ¶12]Eschscholzia californica
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶14]linum grandiflorum
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶15]Dorotheanthus bellidiformis
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    ¶16]sanvitalia procumbens
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶17]scabiosa caucasica
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶19]centaurea imperiale
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶21]scabiosa stellata
    ¶sprout in 8 days
    ¶sprout in 9 days <> ¶
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶24]tropaeolum peregrinum
    ¶sprout in 8 days
    ¶25]helianthus mix
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶26]amaranthus tricolor
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶28 ] laurentia axillaris
    ¶sprout in 11 days
    ¶29 ] cosmidium
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶30]bauhinia monandra
    ¶ for 12 hours in water
    ¶sprout in 15 days
    ¶31 ] petunia
    ¶sprout in 8 days
    ¶32]ipomoea mina lobata
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    ¶33]humulus scandens
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶34 ] nemophila
    ¶sprout in 8 days
    ¶35]Cosmos bipinnatus
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶36 ] echinacea
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶sprout in 10 days
    ¶38 ] ipomopsis rubra
    ¶sprout in 10 days
    ¶39]Hakea bucculenta

    ¶ sprouted in 10 days
    ¶40 ] eccremocarpus
    ¶sprout in 21 days
    ¶41 ] hibiscus calyphyllus
    ¶ in water 24 hours
    ¶sprout in 10 days
    ¶sprout in 19 days <> ¶

    44]euphorbia marginata
    ¶sprout in 16 days

    ¶sprout in 16 days
    ¶46]Nicandra physaloides
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶47]clarkia elegans
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶48 ] asclepias syriaca
    ¶sprout in 8 days
    ¶49 ] adenium
    ¶sprout in 16 days
    ¶sprout in 29 days
    ¶sprout in 15 days
    ¶52 ] campanula punctata
    ¶sprout in 18 days
    ¶sprout in 21 days
    ¶54]Burchellia bubalina

    ¶sprout in 28 days,,
    ¶ the seeds for 20 hours in water
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶57]thunbergia salts
    ¶sprout in 8 days
    ¶58]adonis aestivalis
    ¶sprout in 12 days
    ¶59]Carlina acaulis
    ¶sprout in 24 days
    ¶60]dais cotinifolia[tropjko ]
    ¶sprout 17 days
    ¶61]hibiscus coccineus alba
    ¶before seeding 5 minute in too much hot water. ¶
    ¶sprout in 10 days
    ¶62 ] kennedia nigricans
    ¶before seeding 3 minute in boiled water
    ¶sprout in 10 days <> ¶

    63]acacia arabica
    ¶before seeding 3minute in boiled water
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶64]bauhinia galpinii
    ¶before the seeding 12 hours in water
    ¶sprout in 31 days
    ¶65]bauhinia petersiana
    ¶before seeding 4 minute in very hot water

    in 11 days
    ¶sprout in 34 days
    ¶67 ] moluccella
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶68]bauhinia variegata
    ¶sprout in 9 days

    ¶69]clematis mandchurica

    the seeds in hot water for two minute...
    ¶ in 21 days
    ¶sprout in 42 days
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶72]passiflora temptation
    ¶ the seed in too much hot water for 5 minute
    ¶sprout in 14 days
    ¶sprout in 36 days
    ¶74]lobelia tupa
    ¶sprout in 10 days
    ¶75]kigelia africana
    ¶the seed in water for 20 hours
    ¶sprout in 108 days,
    ¶76]Merremia dissecta
    ¶sprout in 15 days
    ¶77]passiflora foetida
    ¶sprout in 51 days, after first seeds for 3 minute in hot water
    ¶78]Cassia brewsteri
    ¶sprout in 98 days
    ¶ the seed before seeding for 10 minute in very hot water
    ¶79]Allamanda blanchettii
    ¶sprout in 74 days <> ¶
    80]bauhinia thonningii
    ¶sprout in 120 days. ¶
    ¶ before the seeding the seeds for 12 hours water
    ¶81]aristolochia fimbriata
    ¶sprout in 127 days
    before the seeding seeds for 10 minute in very hot water
    ¶82]Dianthus elegans
    ¶sprout in 9 days,

    ¶83]Limonium sinuatum
    ¶sprout in 14 days,

    ¶84]Matthiola incana
    ¶sprout in 17 days,,,
    ¶85]Puya mirabilis
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    sprout 10 days

    ¶87]Darlingtonia californica
    sprout after one month


    to sprout after one month

    ¶89]Philodendron martianum
    ¶sprout after 13 days

    a lot of humidity ]
    ¶90]Lavatera trimestris
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶91]Godetia grandiflora
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    ¶92]Campanula hagielia
    ¶sprout in 30 days
    ¶93]Schinus molle
    ¶sprout in 15 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water for 20 hours
    ¶94]Impatiens balsamina
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶95]Antirrhinum majus
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶96]Helichrysum bracteatum
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶97]Catalpa bignonioides
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water the seed for 18 hours
    ¶98]Bixa orellana
    ¶sprout in 16 days
    ¶before seeding,o seed in water for 20 hours <> ¶

    99]Passiflora edmundoi
    ¶sprout in 17 days
    ¶before the seeding, the seeds for 48 hours in juice orange
    ¶100]Cestrum parqui
    ¶sprout in 11 days
    ¶before the seeding, the seeds
    for 18 hours in water
    ¶101]Clitoria ternatea
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶before the seeding,
    the seeds for 5 hours
    ¶102]Proboscidea parviflora
    ¶sprout in 12 days

    water the seeds before the seeding for 18 hours
    ¶103]Dendrocalamus giganteus
    ¶sprout in 15 days
    ¶104]Fuchcia Lycioides
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶before seeding,oj seeds
    water for 20 hours
    ¶105]Francoa sonchifolia
    ¶sprout in 11 days
    ¶106]Caiophora chuquitensis
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶the seeds before the seeding
    in water for 20 hours
    ¶107]Schizanthus coccineus
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶108]Iris laevigata
    ¶sprout in 20 days
    ¶the seeds before the seeding
    water for 18 hours
    ¶109]Schizanthus grahamii
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶110]Argemone hunnemannii
    ¶sprout in 11 days
    ¶seeding before the seeding
    water for 20 hours
    ¶111]Solanum capsicoides
    ¶sprout in 16 days
    ¶112]Puya venusta
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶it wants a lot of humidity
    ¶113]Jovellana punctata
    ¶sprout in 14 days
    ¶the seeds before the seeding
    water for 20 hours
    ¶114]Chirita micromusa
    ¶sprout in 7 days <> ¶
    115]Latua pubiflora
    ¶sprout in 17 days
    ¶the seeds before the seeding
    water for 20 hours
    ¶116]Caiophora coronata
    ¶sprout in 17 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water the seeds for 20 hours
    ¶117]Billardiera heterophylla[Sollya heterophylla ]
    ¶sprout in 13 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water for 18 hours
    ¶118]Centaurea cyanus
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶119]Dichrostachys cinerea
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water for 27 hours
    ¶120]Puya berteroniana
    ¶sprout in 10 days
    ¶121]Sequoiadendron giganteum
    ¶sprout in 41 days
    ¶before the seeding,
    water for 20 hours
    ¶122]Mimosa pudica
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶123]Spathodea campanulata
    ¶sprout in 19 days
    ¶124]Dierama pulcherrimum
    ¶sprout in 44 days

    water the seeds before the seeding for 20 hours
    ¶125]Bolusanthus speciosus
    ¶sprout in 11 days

    water the seeds for 27 hours
    ¶126]Albizia adianthifolia
    ¶sprout in 13 days
    water the seeds before the seeding for 27 hours
    ¶127]Ibicella lutea
    ¶sprout in 41 days
    water before the seeding for 18 hours
    ¶128]Celosia argentea
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶129]Aristolochia littoralis
    ¶sprout in 32 days
    water the seeds before the seeding for 18 hours
    ¶130]Echium wildpretii
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶131]Sinningia sellovii
    ¶sprout in 6 days <> ¶
    132]Acacia tortilis
    ¶sprout in 19 days
    ¶before the seeding the seeds
    in water for 27 hours
    ¶133]Aristolochia chilensis
    ¶sprout in 17 days
    ¶before the seeding 24 hours
    in water
    ¶134]Hydnophytum formicarum
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶they want permanent humidity in order to they sprout
    ¶135]Myrmecodia tuberosa
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶they want permanent humidity in order to they sprout
    ¶136]Calochortus weedii
    ¶sprout in 21 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water the seeds for 12 hours
    ¶137]Calochortus plumerai
    ¶sprout in 23 days
    ¶before the seeding,
    water the seeds for 12 hours
    ¶138]Passiflora mollissima
    ¶sprout in 15 days
    ¶the seeds before the seeding
    water for 38 wre
    ¶139]Hymenosporum flavum
    ¶sprout in 40 days
    ¶140]Nelumbo nucifera
    ¶sprout in 13 days
    ¶141]Ipomoea alba
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶before the seeding,
    water the seeds for 2 hours
    ¶142]Ipomoea cordatotriloba
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water for 2 hours the seeds
    ¶143]Ipomoea carnea
    ¶sprout in 4 days

    the seeds,
    water for 2 hours
    ¶144]Ipomoea sepacuitensis
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    the seeds
    in water for two hours
    ¶145]Ipomoea leptophylla
    ¶sprout in 5 days

    the seeds
    in water for two hours
    ¶146]Collinsia heterophylla
    ¶sprout in 2 days
    ¶147]Verbascum phoeniceum
    ¶sprout in 3 days <> ¶

    148]Embothrium coccineum
    ¶sprout in 26 days
    ¶before the seeding
    the seeds for thin in boiling hot water
    ¶149]Ligularia przewalskii
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    ¶150]Codonopsis clematidea
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶before the seeding the seeds
    water for 3 hours
    ¶151]Salvia bulleyana
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶152]Potentilla ' Monarch's
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶153]Zea mays ' Quadricolor '
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶154]Malva moschata
    ¶sprout in 3 days
    ¶155]Silene regia
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶156]Lysimachia atropurpurea
    ¶sprout in 4 days
    ¶157]Salvia patens
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶158]Macleya cordata
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶before the seeding the seeds
    water for 3 hours
    ¶159]Heuchera sanguinea
    ¶sprout in 8 days
    ¶160]Oenothera Sunset
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶161]Tweedia caerulea
    ¶sprout in 6 days
    ¶162]Physostegia virginiana
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water seeds for 3
    ¶163]Dendroseris litoralis
    ¶sprout in 5 days
    ¶before the seeding the seeds
    water for 5 hours
    ¶164]Leycesteria formosa
    ¶sprout in 7 days
    ¶before the seeding the seeds
    water for one hour
    ¶165]Ipomoea albivenia
    ¶sprout in 14 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water the seeds for two hours <> ¶
    166]Ipomoea ochracea
    ¶sprout in 15 days
    ¶before the seeding
    water the seeds for two hours
    ¶167]Fuchsia excorticata
    ¶sprout in 11 days
    ¶before the seeding
    the seeds in water for one hour
    ¶168]Impatiens auricoma ' Jungle gold '
    ¶sprout in 9 days
    ¶169]Xanthorrhoea preissii
    ¶sprout in 10 days
    ¶before the seeding,
    water the seeds for 14 hours
    ¶170]Sidalcea malviflora
    ¶sprout in 20 days
    ¶171]Hamelia patens
    ¶sprout in 19 days
    ¶before the seeding,
    water the seeds for half hour
    ¶172]Moraea papilionacea
    ¶sprout in 54 days
    ¶before seeding,oj seeds
    in water for 12 hours
    ¶173]Adansonia digitata
    ¶sprout in 74 days
    ¶before the seeding,
    the seeds in water for 27 hours
    ¶175]Lewisia cotyledon
    ¶sprout in 29 days
    ¶before seeding,oj seeds
    in water for 3 hours
    ¶176]Calliandra haematocephala
    ¶sprout in 35 days
    ¶before the seeding the seeds
    water for 5 hours
    ¶177]Cordia Sebestena
    ¶sprout in 97 days
    ¶before the seeding, the seeds in water for 18 hours
    ¶178]Chiranthodendron pentadactylon
    ¶sprout in 107 days
    ¶before seeding,oj seeds
    in water for 20 hours
    ¶179]Clematis integrifolia
    ¶sprout in 20 days <> ¶
  9. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Oradea, Romania
    OMG, should have a botanical garden!
    If you are interested, we can have a seed/plant swap? From/to Romania it should take about a week!
    I'd love to get new stuff from you and share what I have!
    Let me know!
  10. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Theo, How much room does it take for you to grow all this? And when you say to water for 20 (or whatever the number is) hours, does this mean to soak them in the water before planting them?
  11. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thanks calinromania :-D
    your send list of my seed ,and everybody who wants ,I can share him of my list..

    carolyn Im sorry Idont write good :-| I know, I can a lot of mistakes

    12 hours in water =12 hours soak in the water before planting ,,,
  12. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Theo, your writing is fine. We express thoughts in different ways in each language. I just wanted to make sure I understood what you meant. You keep writing. I'll keep asking, OK? :) Your balcony is so awesome, by the way!
    Cayuga Morning likes this.
  13. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
    Likes Received:
    thanks carolyn :-D
  14. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
    Likes Received:
    new seedling
    Oenothera 'Sunset Boulevard'
    germinate after 6 days

    Barringtonia acutangula
    the seeds soak 24 hours in the water,and germinate after 33 days

    Meconopsis prattii
    germinate after 22 days
  15. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Western Norway
    I predict a lovely summer in Greece this year. :D I wish I could see your babies when they're grown up and blooming. You're one busy bee! ΣυγχαÏ?ητήÏ?ια!
  16. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
    Likes Received:
    thank you very much Droopy :-D

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