seed and seedling 2012

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by Theodoros, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Harpullia pendula
    family Sapindaceae
    Common name : Tulipwood
    germinate after 41 days ,inside the home.
  2. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
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    new seedling

    Lathyrus tingitanus
    Family , Fabaceae
    before sowing, the seeds soaked in water for 20 hours germinate after 4 days inside home

    Coreopsis grandiflora
    Common Names: coreopsis, tickseed
    Family : Asteraceae
    germinate after 5 days inside home

    Scabiosa columbaria
    Common name : Pincushion Flower
    Family Dipsacaceae
    germinate after 7 days inside home

    Cuphea lanceolata
    also known as the Cigar Flower
    Lythraceae family
    the seeds soak 2 hour in the water,and germinate after 9 days inside home

    Telekia speciosa
    Common name , ox-eye daisy
    Family, asteraceae
    the seeds soak 2 hour in the water,and germinate after 7 days inside home

    Campanula incurva
    Common Name: Evia Bellflower
    Family: Campanulaceae
    germinate after 14 days inside home

    Salvia coccinea 'Alba'
    Hummingbird Sage, Texas Sage, Scarlet Sage
    Family: Lamiaceae
    germinate after 7 days inside home

    Echinacea purpurea
    eastern purple coneflower or purple coneflower
    Family, asteraceae
    germinate after 7 days inside home

    Helianthus - Everlasting Sunflower
    germinate after 3 days inside home

    Cerinthe major
    the seeds soak 20 hour in the water,and germinate after 12 days inside home

    Mandragora officinarum
    Common name : Autumn Mandrake, Devil's Apple, Dudaim, Love Apple.
    family (Solanaceae)
    germinate after 2,5 months,,out of my home
    [many seeds germinate difficult, I remember from this plant seeds planted last spring, I wait germinate without result when, I planted seeds again in November outside the home, and sprouted now, had to spend a period]
  3. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    Hello Teo,
    It's been a while :)
    Always good to see what else goes on in your botanical garden.
    I was in Istanbul for a longer weekend, and also visited the botanical garden at the university. Small, but cute.
    And coincidence, this is what I found there

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I MUST get some seeds... so cute!
  4. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
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    hello Calin :-D
    I imagined you enjoy themselves at the trip to Istanbul, will be glad to visit someday and the island where I live,,
    It is known that I like all kinds of plants, so a decision to try the cultivation Mandragora :-D

    also more new seedling
    Impatiens balfourii
    Common Name: Balfour's touch-me-not, Poor man's orchid, Kashmir balsam family Balsaminaceae the seeds soak 2 hour and germinate after 7 days

    Lobularia maritima
    common name sweet alyssum or sweet alison, also commonly referred to as just alyssum Family: brassicaceae germinate after 2 days

    Lavatera trimestris
    Common Name, Annual Mallow Family MALVACEAE germinate after 3 days

    Nicotiana alata
    Common Name: flowering tobacco Family : Solanaceae germinate after 7 days

    Matthiola incana
    Common Name: brompton stock Family, brassicaceae
    germinate after 2 days

    Eschscholzia californica
    (California poppy, golden poppy, California sunlight, cup of gold) family Papaveraceae germinate after 3 days

    Tinantia erecta
    Common name : Upright Spiderwort, Widow's tears Family: Commelinaceae seeds soak 19 hour and germinate after 5 days

    Colutea x media
    Common Name: Bladder Senna Family: Fabaceae seeds soak 19 hour and germinate after 5 days

    Knautia aurensis
    commonly known as Field Scabious Family, Dipsacaceae germinate after 6 days

    Nicotiana tabacum
    Common Name : tobacco Family Solanaceae germinate after 5 days

    Spilanthes oleracea
    Common Name : Eyeball Plant
    family Asteraceae germinate after 3 days

    Callistephus chinensis
    Common name : China Aster Family: Asteraceae germinate after 5 days

    Nicotiana rustica
    COMMON NAMES: Mapucho, Andumucua (Tarascan), Aztec Tobacco family SOLANACEAE germinate after 4 days

    Lathyrus vernus
    Spring vetchling or Spring pea Family – Fabaceae soak seeds 20 hour and germinate after 10 days

    Lablab purpureus
    commonly known as the hyacinth bean, Indian bean, calavance, seim (Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago), Egyptian bean, family Fabaceae germinate after 7 days

    Elaeagnus angustifolia
    commonly called silver berry, oleaster, Russian olive, or wild olive, Family , Elaeagnaceae soak the seeds 19 hour germinate after 16 days

    Erythrina coralloides
    (Flame Coral Tree, Naked Coral Tree) Family: Fabaceae Seed Scarification and 19 hour soak in the water germinate after 8 days

  5. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    Nice seedlings!
    I love it when I see something green in my pots :)
  6. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
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    thank you very much Calin :-D

    new seedling
    Silene Armeria
    Sweet-William Catchfly, None-So-Pretty, family Caryophyllaceae germinate after 3 days

    Convolvulus sabatius
    blue rock bindweed,campanilla azul, family Convolvulaceae germinate after 3 days

    Ipomoea coccinea
    Scarlet Star Glory, Orange Morning Glory Family: Convolvulaceae germinate after 4 days

    Ardisia crenata
    Chrismas berry , Australian holly , coral ardisia , coral bush , coralberry , coralberry tree , hen's-eyes , and spiceberry family[Myrsinaceae ] the seeds soak 3 hour in the water,and germinate after 10 days

    Ipomoea nil ( Chocolate Morning Glory )
    Ipomoea nil ( Chocolate Morning Glory ) the seeds scarification,,and germinate after 4 days

    Achillea Millefolium
    known commonly as yarrow
    family Asteraceae
    germinate after 4 days

    Solanum aethiopicum
    Ethiopian Eggplant Family : Solanaceae germinate after 6 days

    Solanum melongena [easter egg]
    common name [Easter egg] Family : Solanaceae germinate after 5 days

    Calliandra haematocephala
    Common name : Powderpuff
    Fabaceae family soak the seeds 22 hour in the water.
    and germinate after 4 days

    Cussonia transvaalensis
    Common names : grey cabbage tree Family : Araliaceae germinate after 16 days

    Ipomoea nil) 'Scarlett O'Hara'
    Common Name, Morning Glory Family : Convolvulaceae Seed Scarification and germinate after 4 days

    Aubrieta deltoidea
    Common names include lilacbush, purple rock cress and rainbow rock cress family[Brassicaceae] germinate after 3 days

    Solanum Integrifolium
    Common name, pumpkin on a stick eggplant .
    family Solanaceae
    germinate after 5 days

    Calendula officinalis
    (pot marigold) family Asteraceae germinate after 3 days

    Dorotheanthus bellidiformis
    (Livingstone daisy) family Aizoaceae germinate after 3 days

    Verbena tenuisecta
    Common Name Moss verbena Family : Verbenaceae germinate after 8 days

    Monarda (bergamot or bee balm
    family Lamiaceae germinate after 4 days

    Lobelia erinus
    (Edging Lobelia, Garden Lobelia or Trailing Lobelia) Campanulaceae germinate after 7 days

    Teucrium hyrcanicum
    'Purple Tails' Family : Lamiaceae germinate after 15 days

    Stachys byzantina
    Lamb's Ear,,, Family : Lamiaceae germinate after 7 days
    calinromania likes this.
  7. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    I think Theodoros is going to need a bigger home very soon. :-D
  8. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Lots of starts there. They will be keeping you busy.
  9. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    I think he will soon need a "right hand" gardener...
    I'd offer my services but I'm... left handed.
    Teo, that Calliandra haematocephala is very appealing.
    I am trying to stay away from tender BUSHES, cause they need a lot of space.
    Let me know if this blooms for you and you have a few seeds.
    It does look cool... and I saw pictures of some potted plants full of flowers - maybe I can do that...
  10. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
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    yes Cheryl i need a bigger home :D :D :D :D

    yes Jewell Iam very busy...............

    :-D :-D :-D

    thank you very very much Calin :-D
    first time I planted seeds from the plant Calliandra haematocephala 3 years ago,,
    But as the plant grows understand that it is another species is Calliandra calothyrsus,,and again now planted new seeds Calliandra haematocephala :-D grow very quickly from seed,,I can send you if you want :-D

    now new seedling
    Malcolmia maritima
    (Virginia stock) family Brassicaceae germinate after 2 days

    Salvia Agnes
    Common name : Mexican Blue Sage Banned family LAMIACEAE the seeds soak in the water 10 minute and germinate after 8 days

    Echinocystis lobata
    family Cucurbitaceae common names: Balsam Apple, Prickly Cucumber, Wild Balsam Apple germinate after 6 days

    Cosmos bipinnatus
    commonly called the garden cosmos or Mexican aster Family: Asteraceae germinate after 2 days

    Monarda citriodora
    Lemon Mint, Lemon Balm, Purple Horsemint, Lemon Bee Balm, Beebalm family- labatae germinate after 5 days

    Delphinium ajacis
    Common Name , Rocket Larkspur Family: Ranunculaceae germinate after 10 days

    Retama sphaerocarpa
    Common names : albareja family- Fabaceae the seeds soak one minute in the very hot water
    germinate after 30 days

    Salvia splendens
    (scarlet sage, tropical sage) Family: Lamiaceae germinate after 5 days

    Coreopsis lanceolata
    Asteraceae (Aster Family) Common Name : lanceleaf coreopsis germinate after 6 days

    Spartium junceum
    COMMON NAMES: Spanish Broom FAMILY: Fabaceae the seeds soak in the water 3 hour,and germinate after 5 days

    Coccoloba uvifera
    Common Names: sea grape.
    Polygonaceae germinate after 67 days [two months and seven days]

    Ruellia brittoniana
    (Mexican Petunia) Family: Acanthaceae germinate after 9 days

    Calothamnus sanguineus
    (Silky-leaved Blood flower) family Myrtaceae germinate after 7 days
    Droopy likes this.
  11. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Oh my, your place is going to look beautiful very soon with all those lovelies you've sown. I wish I had a tiny bit of your green thumbs, and maybe a bit of your summer temps too. :D
  12. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Thank you so much for your kind words Droopy,,, and I'm sure you've got green thumbs,,, As for the temperatures,,, I wish I could send you warm climate :-D :-D :-D
  13. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
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    new seedling
    Rheum Rhabarbarum
    Common Name: Rhubarb, Pie Plant
    Family: Polygonaceae germinate after 10 days

    Hyssop (Agastache ) 'Blue Fortune'
    family Lamiaceae germinate after 8 days

    Inula magnifica
    Common Name : Magnificent Elecampane.
    Family: Asteraceae germinate after 14 days

    Coreopsis 'Mardi Gras'
    Family: Asteraceae germinate after 3 days

    Trigonella foenum - graecum
    Common Name: Fenugreek family Fabaceae.
    germinate after 3 days

    Chenopodium ambrosioides
    Epazote, wormseed, ???? ?????????, ?? ???? ??? ???????, Paico ? Herba Sancti Mari
    family Amaranthaceae
    germinate after 8 days

    Clerodendrum splendens
    (glory tree, flaming glorybower) family Lamiaceae the seeds scarification and soak in the water 19 hour.
    germinate after 17 days

    Eryngium alpinum
    (alpine sea holly, alpine eryngo or queen of the alps) Apiaceae family germinate after 2 days

    Alternanthera brasiliana
    Amaranthaceae, the amaranth family germinate after 11 days
  14. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    Hello Teo... well I can't say no to a couple seeds of
    Calliandra haematocephala

    That Coccoloba uvifera is cool. Too bad I have no conditions for it. Likes really hot climates... you know you need female and male flowers (on different plants) for pollination?
    You only have one seedling?
  15. Theodoros

    Theodoros In Flower

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Calin soon I'll send the seeds from the plant Calliandra haematocephala, thanks for the information about the plant Coccoloba uvifera , the seeds sent me a friend from the Canary Islands, I planted them two who sprouted,,,,, other two now and waiting to sprout,, I hope there are male and female plants :-D

    new seedling
    Cucumis metuliferus
    horned melon or kiwano, also called African horned cucumber or melon, jelly melon, hedged gourd, or melano family[Cucurbitaceae] germinate after 12 days

    Merremia tuberosa
    also known as Hawaiian wood rose, Spanish arborvine, Spanish woodbine, or yellow morning-glory family (Convolvulaceae) scarification the seeds and germinate after 16 days

    Hibiscus acetosella
    (False Roselle, Cranberry Hibiscus) family (Malvaceae) scarification the seeds and germinate after 9 days

    Platycodon grandiflorus
    Balloon Flower, Chinese Bellflower, Japanese Bellflower family Campanulaceae germinate after 8 days

    Vigna angularis
    Common name , Cowpea.
    family[Fabaceae] germinate after 7 days

    Lobelia cardinalis
    Cardinal Flower Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family).
    germinate after 17 days

    Primula vialii
    Common Name, Poker Primrose, Vials Primrose
    Family: Primulaceae the seeds soak 2 hour in the water and germinate after 6 days

    Parkinsonia aculeata
    Common Names: Jerusalem thorn, Mexican palo verde family, Fabaceae scarification the seeds and germinate after 4 days

    Geranium palmatum
    Common Name: Canary Island geranium Family : Geraniaceae germinate after 8 days

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