Seedlings just how tough are they?

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by Sakura, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Sakura

    Sakura New Seed

    Mar 4, 2014
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    I more mean resilliant then anything

    I broke a bone in my foot and haven't been able to do anything at all to care for them in about 2 weeks there in 2 greenhouses in anything from egg cartons to dixie cups I haven't been able to water there is a light with a 16 hour timer it's a 100 watt daylight cfl (my preference)

    Due to falling right after it I could NOT walk the very next day I went to work and continued to (server/cook) till I couldn't stand the pain had it looked at 2 days later I was in surgery for it with orders to stay off my foot so 0 chance of getting back in there anytime soon

    And while my compulsive liar mother insists she is caring for them there are succulents in pots in a greenhouse thing in her room that are dead not only that but she said on the DAY of my surgery she would clean up a room it's nearly 2 weeks later and it's still not clean

    So realistically what are the chances for my seedlings? Bad? Worse? Or time to scrape the money I'm not making on this leave and be ready to buy everything?
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  3. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Where are you located ?? The water is what is important if they are in small containers. Small dries pretty fast. I have done the egg carton thing, not much luck for same reason, too dry too fast. So this time I poked holes through the bottom where the eggs were and sat it in the lid. When you water the lid can be filled about a half inch and seeds are watered through the bottom. If the seeds are not through the soil yet you have a little play time.
  4. Sakura

    Sakura New Seed

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Zone 5 ... d-bad.html

    You'll have to copy-paste but those are the most recent pics I have that was under my care that was also likely posted the last day I did anything to care for them

    My mom is claiming she is caring but I guess it's just soo hard to water a few seedlings so the dirt DOSENT look like freaking SAND! She claims she is a nurse and taking care of me is hard --I'm used as a freaking TABLE I'm watched like a freaking CHILD she is so far up my butt when I move I'm surprised she can't taste my poo! And I'm betting she won't do ANYTHING to help replace the dozens of lost plants most I WON'T be able to buy!
  5. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    The seedlings look ok for now. There is moisture on the walls of the greenhouse so they should not dry out too fast. On the other hand too much moisture can cause the plants to be so tender that they either rot at the soil line or snap off. If it were me and the weather was above freezing, I would get some air circulation in there. Maybe open a door or something during the middle of the day.
    Sorry,, can`t help with your mother. But I can sure understand. Can you even walk with a crutch ?
  6. Sakura

    Sakura New Seed

    Mar 4, 2014
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    I HATE the crutches think there the worst thing ever --next to living with someone that as a nurse no less is like "you're alive you'll be fine" didn't even seem to care and wanted to wait till THE last minute to get my foot looked at I'll bet had we gone in right away would have been better!

    Edit/update ... nally.html

    That shows what's LEFT you saw the before here's the after and yes I had to put water in the seedling tray with the mat on try to help them out big losses huh?

    Thing is these are MINI greenhouses I could fit them both in my clauset in this tiny house with room for another! But throw in the light and stuff and they act more like greenhouses (those were taken with my droid not my iPhone)

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