Seeing Double.

Discussion in 'Wildlife in the Garden' started by Tooty2shoes, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    For over a week we have had this pair of twin fawns visiting our backyard. We put out corn for the turkeys and the deer started showing up around 4:30pm when it is still very light out. We figured that their Mother was probably killed during deer hunting, or hit my a car. We have also been putting out some old grass hay we had put up in our barn last year. They nose around in that and eat what they want to.
    The other night they came when it was still light out. Ate their fill and then as it was getting dark they decided that the hay was a good place to lay down and have a nap.
    I was shocked to see them still laying there when we went to bed a 9:00pm. So glad they feel so secure in our yard. Love watching them. DSCN3328.JPG

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  3. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    I'm glad you are helping them out and, aren't they fun to watch! You took some really good pictures of them.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  4. Brisbane Trees

    Brisbane Trees Seedling

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Brisbane, Australia
    They do look cute and it would be great to have them around. I can't help wondering if you are allowed to eat them, though. Are you? Sorry to be a brute :blush:
  5. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Brisbane, yes, venison is on many menus. Most, if not all, states have limits on how many deer you can take, the size and sex of the deer, and hunting season is limited to certain months.
    You aren't being brutish--in many areas here in Texas there are just too many deer. Not enough forage, so they invade yards and eat shrubbery. During rut season the males can be dangerous, and all during the year deer crossing highways cause accidents. Herds need to be thinned to protect the health of the rest of the deer.
    They are beautiful creatures, and we occasionally have one or two in our pasture, but one or two are enough.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.

  6. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I'm so glad you managed to get a photograph of the twins for us. They obviously know they're safe visiting your garden and that there's a good food source there for them to.
    Tooty2shoes likes this.
  7. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    2ofus; thank you, and yes they are fun to watch. They are only about 100ft from the back of our house. That is y the pic's are so good.

    Brisbane--thank you also. YES they do hunt and eat them. It does sound brutish but here in the US we have deer hunting season in the fall. It starts in November, one weekend before our Thanksgiving holiday starts. Then it ends the following weekend. Except if you hunt with a bow and arrow then they have a different weeks that they can hunt. Oh yes--then they also have a few days for people who hunt with Muzzle loading guns. It's a pretty bid deal here in Wisconsin. But it is not a cheap sport to take part in.
    It's usually guys that hunt deer. But quite a few women like to hunt. One of my friends use to hunt with her husband.
    Well before you can go out and shoot a Deer you have to purchase a Deer license which comes with a Deer tag. After you have killed your Deer you put the metal tag thru the hind leg of the Deer. Then you have to take it to a registration station so they can register your tag number. One deer is the limit. Some of the guys that go Deer hunting will get together at someones cabin out in the woods. They leave on Friday to drive up to their Deer Camp. That way they can be out in the woods before sunrise the next day. They bring food, beer, cards, and guns of course. The first night that they are at their "Deer camp" they sit around and shoot the bull (or talk smart), play cards, and drink their beer.
    The next morning before sunrise they put on their bright orange hunting cloths, go out in the woods to where they are going to stand, and wait for a deer to walk by. Some actually sit up in trees on a Deer stand so the deer do not know they are there. They even spray their cloths with Doe urine smell to attract the Bucks as it is the deers rutting season.
    The weather can be very nice with temps ranging from 40-50 degrees. But it can also be as cold as 30 some degrees.
    They always want the colder weather and hope that it snows so they can track any deer they shoot that runs off. It is sad that quite a few injured deer are never found. I in not one of my favorite times of year. I sure it is not the Deers either.
    I am sure that there are some really funny videos on Youtube about Deer Camp. Now you know all about hunting Deer. Hey, ya!
    Brisbane Trees likes this.

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