hello to you all just realized i also have some kind of pepper........ i have no idea where i got the seeds. but i have the plant now with lots of little purple flowers and dark purple/almost black little peppers. they look like they are hot... but i don't know if i can eat them. CAN I? anyone wants to trade some seeds of these for some other cute/colorful varieties? LET ME KNOW calin
i forgot a pic. here it is can you tell me what it is also? and if you'd like some seeds in exhange for some other kinds...
I don't know the specific name, but I buy them as 'ornamental peppers' and use them in the landscape between seasons....like now. The also come in yellow, orange and red. I have always understood they were edible and told clients they could eat them. Nobody died that I know of.
hahaha........ thanks lady of the pond... but i guess they never lived to tell they were not edibles.... in case they died. KIDDING. i guess all peppers are edible. i just never tried any. well... would like to trade seeds for cute ones. of different colors. but small ones. waiting...
Calin the variey may be on this page: http://www.g6csy.net/chile/var-p.html Have a look at the Pasilla Bajio variety in particular
That sure looks like it Frank.I have some Black Pearl pepper seeds small round shiney hot pepper.Looks like its name.
I'm not either Frank.I have Sweet Banana Peppers and this Black Pearl because it was so pretty.When the peppers are ripe they turn red.Thay are hot as blazes everyone tells me .
I think it may be Pasilla pajio. I grew some last year and they are definately edible 'cause Ian ate them and he's still around!!!
Calin, what is the weather like where you live, temperature ranges for the summer and winter, maybe rainfall amount. That way we would know what kind of seeds might do there.
hi guys. am not sure it's that one. my peppers tend to grow upright. is it because they didn't grow too big and therefore not heavy enough to hang? well... was just thinking about it. well... in the summer it gets pretty hot over 30 degree C. rain is moody. sometimes no rain for weeks and then it rains a lot. in winter it freezes all over for months. so all the plants I have grow in pots. veggies are definitely seasonal. they all die in the fall. so do the flowers we grow outside.
I've never tried peppers as an ornamental, now you have be curious. I'll have to see if there are any hardy for my zone, would be fun next spring.
hey primsong... i guess peppers grow anywhere in spring. they grow fast, without much care and last till fall. yet i am not an expert. could send you some of my seeds if you like the pic.