Now you’re talkin’ ! Look at all that colour. Now then Cayu, you are going to have to tell me what I am seeing on a couple of your pics. What are those lovely low white flowers in the next to last pick. Tell me about that blue, earth-looking garden feature resting in that little patch of variegated leaf ground-cover. And the yellow “bells” third from the bottom. As for the rest—well, it is one great display of colour. Your daffs and hyacinths are gorgeous. Great posting !
Gorgeous! Are those double blood root blooms? Amazing! Love the Azalea - so striking! How old do you think that shrub is? I love the first blooms of spring!
I like those Sanguinaria canadensis flore plena. We brought a pot of them with us when we moved house. They have not flowered this year though so it is good to see them. A Canadian correspondent reported seeing pink coloured single ones in the woods near her. Would love to see those.
Palustris correctly identified the white flowers:. Sanguinaria canadensis. This one is a double bloodroot ( please excuse the italics....i don't know how to get rid of them!). They bloom a very short time, but the flowers are white white yellow or blue in them. Striking. After the bloom, the foliage is interesting too. Easy care. The blue ball is from my diseased sister -in-law. She had a thing for "marbles". The variated bush is a euonymous. Also easy care. The little yellow bells are dog toothed violets (Erythronium dens canis ). They tend to move about the garden. They are bulbs & I think the various moles/voles/chipmunks chomp on them& carry them about the garden. Glad you all like the blooms!
I have to say that your spring growth really is impressive. I like the variation. The double bloodroot is so stunning. Thanks for the ID’s. I thought for a moment that your sil’s sphere might have been a bowling ball. You must be pretty chuffed with how your blooms are showing off. Chapeau.
I think the Erythronium is either E. tuolumnense or may be the hybrid E. Pagoda. E.dens-canis has very mottle purple and green leaves