Somebody please help! Stump killer didn't work

Discussion in 'Lawn Care' started by cheryllynn, May 2, 2006.

  1. cheryllynn

    cheryllynn New Seed

    Jun 8, 2005
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    I have a real problem with our back yard. There are these bright red things sprouting up all over the yard. I sprayed something on them at the end of summer last year to kill them and apparently it didn't work. It was some kind of stump killer.
    Anyway I think it is due to our getting our crabapple tree cut down, they didn't get all the roots out. AT the time it looked like they did but now i see roots popping up and these other areas of woody stiff things all in a bunch popping up.
    What is happening, are these trees?? WHat will kill them, they are all over and seemingly multiplying over night. They are quite a ways from the tree also.
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Hi there Cherylynn - nice to see you posting again as I was wondering where you were. :-D

    Is it possible for you to take a photograph of the bright red things that are popping up in your yard? It would make IDing them for you sooooo much easier.

    I'm wondering if your crab apple tree dropped any fruits that lay undetected as the "stiff woody things in a bunch" could be the seedlings from windfall apples.
  4. cheryllynn

    cheryllynn New Seed

    Jun 8, 2005
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    I will try to do that.
    I can tell you the tree was cut down 2 summers ago. The stiff woody things is probably 4-5 inches in diameter and appears to be a bunch of vertical sticks all together like a stump and coming up through the lawn. Not pleasant to step on either. As far as the red sprouts, i got a shovel last night and dug one up and the roots are thick and very long. I was shocked !
    I think it may be due to the guy cutting the tree down not getting all the stump and roots. Now if the tree has been here for years i'm sure the roots go quite a ways out from where the tree was. I'm just wondering how to stop it from continuing this. I don't want my entire yard tore up.
    I did contact the tree guy yesterday and he is going to come by and grind the stump out again.
  5. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    Maybe burning it out? My dad had to do that.

  6. gardenplansireland

    gardenplansireland Seedling

    Jan 26, 2005
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    west of ireland
    Hey Cheryllynn,
    crab apple trees are just like an old dog that refuses to die.:scheming:
    For this situation you need a root and stump killer.
    Try a product called "Dax Root-out" which contains ammonium sulpamate.
    The Ideal time for application is during May-June.
    You must make downward slashes into the bark on the sides of the growths, until sap starts to weep.
    Next paint these wounds with the dissolved "Dax Root-out" solution.
    Cover the growths with a clear plastic cover to prevent dilution of the solution with rainwater, leave this in place for 1 month.
    If you cannot find "Dax Root-out" in the garden centres you can also use "SBK Brushwood Killer" or "Round-up", these are in liquid form.
    Under no circumstance employ the old method of applying diesel and burning as a stump killer, this will definitely leave a residue in the soil to affect plantings.
    A stump killing product will take approx 7 weeks to totally kill the tree.
  7. Capt Kirk

    Capt Kirk Thank a Veteran today!

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Ohio, USA
    Crab apple trees are notorious for this. The flowering crabs are worse than regular fruit bearing crabs. They even get a bunch of suckers coming up at the bases of the trees. That's why I don't have one. The tree is trying to resprout through is old roots. The stump and root killer might work and might not. Good luck!
  8. bermudian

    bermudian New Seed

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I bought Dax Root Out and I've used it successfully on several occassions.

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