Was watering this evening and spotted this Luna Moth. Luna Moth ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) It was so big and pretty. Here's the size of the leaves it was on. ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) This website tells all about it. http://www.fcps.edu/islandcreekes/ecology/luna_moth.htm
The markings that look like eyes are so intriguing. And the fact that they don't eat nor have mouths and just exist to mate and die... astounded me. Toni... I just planted the Esperanza a couple of months ago.... not a single bloom yet... so it was nice to have something to see on it!
Just beautiful. I love moths. They are so unique and beautful. Tiger Moths are really neat colored also.
I have never seen one of those beauties. I sure is beautiful.I have hummingbird moths.They are wonderful also.I haven't seen one this year but hope to soon.Yhanks for the photo.
OH this is one of my favorites. I have at lease one of them on me, although I can't find it at the moment. Barb in Pa.