After all day yesterday and this morning, I have the succulent garden area just about done. Yesterday was spent totally clearing it of grass and weeds. Oh yeah... and killing fire ants. :twisted: The Century Plant and a cactus was already planted there. I put in a Sega Palm along with a Soap Aloe, Aloe Vera, a Kalanchoe and a couple of other succulents that I can't recall the name of right now. succulent garden-front ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And from the backside.... succulent garden_back ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) I placed my weed barrier of newspaper and then covered with mulch. There's not alot rock around here and Hubby and I have been picking up any that we find just to put here... and a couple of really old/neat bricks. And can't leave out good ol' "Mustang Sally" and the "Big Boot". The stump is from a very recently murdered Pecan tree. I really want to get some white gravel to place on-top of it all, but I'm afraid that will have to wait until my check book has more money in it! Anyhow... that's what I have to show for my aching back and sunburn.
I really like the way that looks. What else is going to be planted in there? I have seen those boots at one of the garden center and have been tempted to get one. I have a christmas gift card to Lowe's I can use that!!!!
That's going to fun to add to over time. Think of all the sale plants and catalog specialties and cuttings from friends you will have a spot for! Lucky! That horse is a cute touch.
Toni.... I have no clue what else will find it's way there. But... when I happen to run across another succulent looking for a home, I won't have to ponder where it will go. And the boot was a gift from a friend's mom. It was broken at the top, but hubby fixed it. I'd like to put something in there.... perhaps flowering, but there's no drainage. I bet I could ask really nicely and hubby would drill a couple of holes for me. Daisy... that old almost falling apart horse... that's "Mustang Sally" (remember the song?) Anyhow... Hubby brought it home a few years ago as a joke and has been trying to talk me into tossing it out. Not a chance! Didn't any of us old folks used to play on one of those?
Good job Cheryl! I really like the look of your succulent border, and am anxiously looking forward to your next addition. I love Mustang Sally. I wanted one of those when I was young, but never got one. Maybe that's why I've got a real live horse now.
Droopy... being the spoiled little brat daddy's girl that I am... I always got what I needed (like the other 5 kids)... but on top of that, I usually got what I wanted.. EXCEPT for the following: #1. Motorcycle (bought my own Harley when I turned 30) #2. Pony (never got one... was always told to go ride the cousins or neighbors horse. Maybe that's why I can't let go of "Sally"?) #3. Swimming pool ("go play out in the pond or canal") #4. Squirrel Monkey (there was an ad in the back of this magazine called "Progressive Farmer" and I just wanted one! And now that I think about it... my dad did every kind of job EXCEPT farming... why did that magazine always show up?")
I also adore squirrel monkeys but I don't think I ever wanted to keep one as a pet. Why DID that magazine show up?
Cheryl you have created a really cool succulent garden with accent pieces. I like the boot, the boot would make a nice scorpion home. Although it looks large enough for a dragon foot. Sunburn? Are you following Eileen's rule #1. Rocks, you get one with each shovel full in New England. Want sum? I take it you don't have a dry creek bed in the neighborhood. I have never dealt with fire ants even when I was in NM. Do you have to take any of the succulents in for the winter? I have to take my aloe plant in for the winter, it weighs a ton. The snow has stopped, maybe spring has arrived. Jerry
Jerry... thank the heavens above that you don't have to deal with fire ants. The darn little varmints wait until a zillion of them are on your foot and then they all bite at the same time! :twisted: All of the succulents out there have survived the winter outdoors (in pots). It's the first time I've tried anything like this ... so I'm making sure to keep a little bit of everything in a pot to protect over winter... just in case.
I think your backache and sunburn were well worth the results you've achieved Cheryl. I'm looking forward to hearing what other succulents leap into your trolley at the garden centres and find their way into your new garden. I think the murdered Pecan stump looks terrific as though it was meant to be exactly where it is. I wonder if there are any trailing succulents you could plant in the boot (once your OH has drilled a few holes for you) as I think it's crying out for something cascading all over it. Congraulations on a job well done.
I sure do recognize Mustang Sally, but I'm from before her time! I think the little brothers and sisters played on that though. I think Progressive Farmer showed up for YOU, Cherylad! Like Fate or something!
Eileen... I was so sad about the pecan tree being cut down. But I've learned that when it comes to my brother, I have to pick and choose my battles. His heart is in the right place trying to get the most production out of the trees... but if I really wanted some pecans, they sell them at the grocery store! Oh well... he has planted all those other fruit trees. So I've just accepted it. And it gave me a stump to set that little cart on. And as far as the big boot...last year I had some Blue Daze in there. It looked really neat, but it didn't do very well without drainage. I foresee Hubby getting out the masonry drill bits! Jerry... speaking of rocks... wait until tomorrow to see what Hubby brought home with him!
Shortly after I posted this... hubby came home from work with a great surprise! ROCKS!!!! Free rocks at that! Now I'm not certain I need to fill it with with gravel/pebbles. What do you all think? succulent garden-border ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )