Sweet grass

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by Coppice, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Coppice

    Coppice In Flower

    Dec 20, 2010
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    SE-OH USAian
    My Latin stinks. Sweet grass aka heirochloe odorata is a minor herb in my garden. because it spreads I kept plugs of it growing in past years. Long-story short, I moved, and sweet grass didn't.

    So last fall I ordered up like an ounce of seed. I winter-sowed much of that seed. This spring in ones and twos I got six (count 'em six) babies to germinate.

    The good part of this story is sweet grass is a true grass and multiplies by rhizome a whole lot better than it grows from seed. I have transplanted my babies into plugs and am clipping them with sizzors. This clipping spurs rhizomal growth, so I am back in buisness.
    Henry Johnson likes this.
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  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Well, Thats a bummer. What do you use it for?
    As I researched it a alittle I see that it is hard to germinate the seeds. Sounds like you did well to get the few you did get.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  4. Coppice

    Coppice In Flower

    Dec 20, 2010
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    SE-OH USAian
    I had a spell of a few years when I had no requests for this plant. After my move away from Henniker (NH). Only last year did some requests pop up.

    At least one of the requestors also go some seed to germinate. And I have cells to cut plugs from, Life will muddle on from them...

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