The pump arrived so I had a go - and it took a while to get it right too - not quite as easy as it looked to start off with some ingredients and a pinch of patience needed.... It had to be a babble, because a squirt would have finished off emptying the ruddy thing over night, but at least now it's somewhere for the birds to have a drink - phew!
Oh Tetters, that is so good of you to provide moving water for birds. The sound of water attracts birds so you'll have a lot of feathered friends! When we were in town, we had a recirculating fountain for birds, and due to evaporation, had to add a quart or so once a week. Now we have a bird waterer that is just static water on a pedestal, but the birds have an acre pond if they get thirsty!
A really lovely garden feature Tetters. The birds will really appreciate having a supply of fresh water. We have a pond too Jane and they use it for bathing and drinking.
We have two ponds with running water behind the house, and one wild pond front/side, most especially for hedgehogs, frogs, lizards, slow worms, birds and any other passing creatures that need water. This little drinking fountain is more as an extension of the winter feeding station just outside the new ''garden room'' We put french doors into this room and it's a nice sun trap as it faces south. It cost less than a conservatory I'll show you.......... We put some LED lights in this room and it's a nice warm green space to relax in on a cold day (a bit muddy, composty, tool strewn, etc sometimes, but we don't care about that) I would love to put an acre lake in too, but it would be a bit too costly the way things are at present.
Gosh, @Tetters, is there anything you can't do once you decide to do it? I love that little water feature. I am certain the birds will too. It's a lot more fancy and inviting than the water dish we put out in winter. When we have hard frost we have to change it several times a day, but what don't we do for our feathered friends?