Hi all, Just made a major design change to the topic pages. Your profile on posts now appears to the left of your posts and also the post text is slightly smaller. Everything is far tighter Feedback welcomed! Thanks. Signed the Meddling Gnome
Well, change is good and it looks good. I'm not too sure about the smaller print. Older eyes have a harder time with smaller print. I'll let you know about that after a few days. Dooley
I like the 'tighter' look Frank and it's good to have members info beside their names. :-D The smaller print may be an issue for some as Dooley says though although I have no problem reading it. You just can't keep a good gnome down.
Like Dooley I might have some problem with the smaller type. Besides having old eyes, I have the beginnings of cataracts that sometimes give me trouble too. I will let you know after a couple of days it I can adjust to it or not.
I like it the way you have it now but I to am having a terrible time seeing it. Maybe I will adjust to it but have a headache already but I will try .I'm sorry Frank.You do good work.
WOW! That is some small print! I dont think it has anything to do with olderr eyes cuz I had to lean in to read it! Nice work!
Frank, Randy just showed me a way to make the print larger for easy reading. This works on Firefox browser....hold down control and hit the "+" button to make the print larger, hold down control and hit the "-" button to make it smaller. For those using IE or Outlook there just might be a trick to help them too. Personally I recommend they change over to Firefox for their browser and Thunderbird for email, no problems like IE and Outlook.
By popular demand I have upped the font size of the post text back to the original size You may have to press CTRL+F5 on your keyboard to see the new size font. And Toni that is a great tip, I know I have had to use it sometimes. Firefox makes everything so much easier.