I got em Scott's Berry Blend (I think thats what its called). They like it a lot more than the stuff I had before There was a nuthatch a minute ago, and Mr Downy WP just showed up ^_^ Uh oh, just noticed the suet is gone
Hehehe, happy birdies will eat you out of house and home, they have no idea how much $$ some of that feed costs. But they are just TOO wonderful to watch, aren't they?
My husband feeds birds year round in our back yard. Had lots of finches and juncos yesterday. I did see one woodpecker this morning.
I bought a chickadee birdhouse kit today at Wild Birds Unlimited And I put it together. Now I just gotta find a place to put it. Would the side of the mini barn suffice? I also bought a thing of nesting material, and a block of suet (called Peanut Butter and Jelly, for nut- and berry-eating birds ).