I caught him this evening on my purple Aster ,I think... it could be my painted Daisies...they are all in the same pot! HAH! This little guy wasnt eatting it. He was just hanging out. I had sat down in the Gnome Dome to take a break from mowing and saw him. He looked all velvety with dimonds on his back. The spots were black on black (or dark gray, it was getting dark out)with a hint of yellow. The spots on his back matched his eyes exactly. And no I didnt move him! He is still there. I would live to see what he turns into! ~~edited~~ I put this in wildlife because its not a pest until it starts eatting something.
Looks very velvety, I agree with you. I wish we had a caterpillar expert here at the Stew :| BTW I think I have beaten you for the cutest caterpillar pic. Have a look at what I found: http://img49.imageshack.us/my.php?image ... 2726sz.jpg
ahahahahahaha i see those catapillers all the time in my yard.. (not the adorable one the other one) but ive never seen what they become.
I don't know the real name of it or what it turns into but it is the little bugger that cut mt potato plants down to the ground 3 of them over night.They were small plants then. My mom always called them Cut Worms.I have found about 4-5 just lately.
Well he was on my cosmos and was gone the next morning so I dont have him to worry about any more. Sorry to hear about your plants.
I had five cats on my passion vine, they ate all the leaves then started from the top to eat the stalk. They saved some of it. They turn into Gulf Fritillary butterflies, the passion vine is their host plant. So I didn't mind. The green tomato hornworms turn into those pretty green lunar moths. I remember the first year I planted a candlestick tree (cassia alata) I pulled every little worm off of it and threw them in the ditch, drown you little buggers. I went in and researced what to put on the tree to kill the worms and found out they were cats that turned into a butterfly. I felt so bad. So now I just leave them. We had no tomato worms this year, I am glad bc I would have had to fight with DH about killing them. LOL
http://www.all-creatures.org/pica/glf-c ... ushst.html Frank, your cute guy will become a Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly.
How cool Toni, great find! On the page it says: "The decorative false eyes seem to serve as a deterrent to predators." I'd imagine it could freak them out a bit alright
He really is a cutie .Some cats are really distructive. I've had the horned ones stripped my Tomatos overnight. I just don't let that happen if I see them first.Im like DH on that.