This is the time we take the cats to the vet for their annual shots, worm prevention, and check-up. Last week Buddy and Cali went, but Timi is harder to get and more difficult to stuff in the carrier. We made arrangements with the vet that, when we could lay hands on Timi and get her in the carrier, we could just call and bring her in for her annuals. Well, this morning Timi was charming! She went into the carrier without a problem, didn't complain during her car ride, and was a "purr-fect kitten" for the vet. Our vet looked at us as if to say, "THIS is the difficult cat?" I think we are being conned by cats . . . .
I am at three down,,,six to go ! And those six are 60 lbs and up ! Just got flea pills, shots for three and meds for hot spots and bill was $160.+ ! Anyone want to trade vet bills ? Although we have minimal prices from most larger cities !
Mart, I throw nickels around like manhole covers, but I don't begrudge a penny spent on the cats. Our vet, like yours, is very reasonable. She even gives us a "good customer discount". I asked her about that and she said, "We like you and your pets." Well, okay, if I let you pet the cats more will you knock off a few more dollars?