Hi, I am a bird person that seems to collect squirrels. They constantly are chewing on my feeders. I finally got a steel one that has been insurmountable so far. The others have dropped like flies. A family of 7 squirrels love to forage in my yard and feeders. The birds I adore the most are the bluejays. Some people don't like them but they police the yard and let all the other birds know when danger is around like hawks or cats. I am also a web student and have an internship in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and we have a guy who goes out in a leafy "hazmat" camo suit and records bird calls. He is a biologist and a dedicated birder working on his doctorale.
Hi there Birdnuts. I have done a bit of tidying up on your post but have left in the piccie of your friend - great shot!! I hope you'll stay around and join us here at GardenStew. Do read our Forum Rules before posting any further links though please. Thanks.
Hi birdnuts, welcome to the Stew. I sure would love a suit like the one posted. Have you ever got a chance to wear it? It would be great if you had any photos of the park and all its inhabitants. We would love to see them. Welcome again.
Welcome to the Stew birnuts. I have 4 very pesky squirrels in the yard, at the feeder before, during and after the birds have dined....I even made them thier own squirrel buffet and still they go for the bird feeders. Oh, well. I have 4 Blue Jays that show up now and then, thousands of sparrows, a couple of Cardinals, hundreds of grackles, doves and pigeons. Hope you enjoy our group, lots to read and learn here.
This is such a wonderful site! I have had such kind and nice replies! Thank you. Today I spent battling squirrels. They were EVERYWHERE! I had such a problem keeping them out of the feeders. I pammed up the poles the feeders are hanging on and that helped, but the ones hanging off the gutter are very difficult to treat. I have two feeders on the backporch hanging off of coathangers that at one time were properly functioning birdfeeders until the squirrels chewed the ports off of them, I use them now to just put feed in the base instead of filling them up. I also have this huge rubbermaid container that I keep on the porch with all the seed in bags. The squirrels have chewed holes in the corners and I discovered something actually made it in the box as some of my bags were chewed to pieces. So I now have a grate from the grill over the top of the box that keeps them out. They still can manage to paw up a bit of a walmart bag thru the grill bars but aren't able to get to the seeds inside the bag. Do they make steel enforced containers? I need the Fort Knox version of a rubbermaid. My mom had to quit keeping her seed in rubbermaid due to problems with raccoons, as they were dexterious enough to just remove the lids. Forget chewing their way in... just pop off the top there FRED. lol