Today is the day I get out my six- and nine-cell starters and sterilize them, also the catch tray they sit in; bring in the shelving and set it up in the guest bedroom; wet down the sterile starting mix; and then have fun! Tomatoes and peppers get started today, and next week some herbs (thyme, a new variety of oregano, and parsley). After that, we'll see how much room I have left. I'd like to get some zinnias started so the bees can enjoy them earlier. I enjoy this so much more than scurrying out in the cold wearing coat and gloves to harvest my Swiss chard!
I agree - sowing seeds and cuttings is definitely more fun than anything else! Have fun and don't forget to share your plants progress.
I'm planning on starting seeds the first week of Feb. Hopefully this cold will clear out (the temperature and the cold in my head) before then since I have to get the bloom house shelves uncluttered and ready.
I started some seeds way too early. Next year, I'll wait until now to start them. Live and learn (sometimes!) :-D
Cheryl, we all start things too early! Just keep potting up and when you start lugging 5 gal. pots outside with your "seedlings" you can rest assured several of us are doing the same thing! Netty, I'll post pictures as soon as I get everything clean and set up and planted.Believe me, if anything comes up, you'll hear about it! Toni, I do hope your cold goes away really soon! "Bloom house", is that another term for greenhouse? It's charming, whatever it is!
It's not really a greenhouse, but I have used it for starting seeds, storage, potting shed and comfy place to watch gentle spring and autumn rains with a good book and glass of wine. My Bloomhouse
Love that "shed" Toni! I'm currently using the garage as my potting shed, but I've got plans to make hubby add on to it for me... one of these days!
wow! that is a very cool shed toni! i've never seen anything like it! mg, we're still wintersowing here...but...will be starting some serious seeding real soon. can you believe it's 40F outside right now?! mg be sure to post some pics!
Toni, I love your bloomhouse! I'd get one, but the winds here would move it down the road. 'Way down the road! you are so clever, inventive, and a wine conniesseur to boot! I like a glass of Chablis while sitting on our tiny patio, watching the birds come and go at the feeders.