We’ve been in the toms again. We are feeding, watering and pruning them regularly now. Two days ago, we pruned and suckered hard. Do we dare to look inside the greenhouse? I can hear the wind whistling ‘round the bare cordons. Two days later I peeked-in and saw these Marmandas and a couple MoneyMakers: Whilst playing Barber of Seville, the Bride severed this oddball: We first thought something had taken a bite out of it, but with closer inspection, I can see that it was a sort of genetic mix-up— the peduncle/ pedicel and sepal somehow developed with the fruit. I am already having visions of salads, BLT’s, hamburgers and concentrate.
Sjoerd ‘Barber of Seville’ He must have been one heck of a barber, according to all the red toms they are classical music luvers too. look at those red toms they are husky reds hanging on the vines with lil soldiers of tagetes patula guarding the long tasty rows . Happy tomatoes , harvest time is closing in… Poor green tom must have been pressed into a new frankenstein version.
Pac— What a fun answer that was. Chuckle. Thanks, mate. Jewell— cheers. I appreciate your encouraging words.