Tour of Pakistan - In 6 Minutes!

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by S-H, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Karachi, Pakistan
    Pakistan in 6 minutes.

    Pakistan in 6 minutes (episode 2).

    Bonus tour.

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
    Jerry Sullivan, Odif and eileen like this.
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I may never get to Pakistan but at least now I can say that I've seen quite a bit of it. :)
    S-H likes this.
  4. ghostvoshe

    ghostvoshe New Seed

    Jun 7, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Pakistan is packed with stunning landscapes and a rich heritage. From the majestic mountains to bustling markets, it's a vibrant tapestry of experiences. And while exploring this diverse country, don't miss the chance of visiting some of the incredible theme parks if you're into a mix of adventure and fun! They can add a playful dimension to your trip, making it even more memorable.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2024
  5. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    Hi SH,

    A lovely picturesque country.

    Thank you for the presentation.

    S-H likes this.
  6. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Thanks Jerry,

    I posted this thread around 4 years ago, when the pandemic hadn't fully hit my country. So in a way, although the landscape still hasn't changed, and all our monuments still standing - Our society and culture seems to have evolved greatly in a very short time.

    Like we experienced a political turmoil like never seen before in history, (which literally took us on the verge of a civil war). As a result of which we now had to endure hyperinflation also. And now another small war with a neighboring country.

    However today almost everything is getting done online. Retail shops are closing, while online stores are opening. Radio and TV, hardly anyone sees anymore - As everyone now has their own YouTube accounts to play with. All a result of the pandemic lockdowns.

    Recycling of resources and utilizing renewable energy is also now the in thing to do. As almost every house today has solar panels of their own on the roof. Which is all a result of hyperinflation, (as nobody wants to pay for costly utility anymore).

    So that's the real spirit of Pakistan I guess. Whenever anything unfortunate happens, we first adapt to it - Than soon evolve beyond it, so it can't hurt us again... And today, once more unfortunately, the entire world now is heading for yet another period of massive unrest and extreme hardship, (not just Pakistan alone). But like always, we endured a lot before, and so sell bravely do it again.

    So the words of our founder Mr. M. A. Jinnah, which we spoke at our independence on the 14 of August 1947, (see first video below) still hold true today... We are a country which was born out of genocide and oppression of an extreme order, so we can really endure a lot when it comes to it.

    And as always is the case in nature too, after every calamity comes a great period of rejoicing with prosperity beyond imagination - Just like a forest too gets renewed after a massive fire. So such is our storyline too I guess.

    Translation of the video above:

    When we woke up from sleep,
    Someone else was the owner of our home,
    The soil still belonged to us,
    But someone else was occupying our farm,
    What sort of a worthless life was this,
    When even the hours on the clock were owned by another.

    Then we were made to witness injustices,
    Of such magnitude that it set fire inside all,
    Realizing that now there was no easy way out,
    We recognized our true purpose was independence.

    So behind a formidable leader we found a purpose,
    We finally became an unstoppable force,
    Which is how every small gust of wind joined,
    And soon we all became like a tempest,
    This is how Pakistan was created.
    This is how Pakistan was created.

    We didn't even have enough of a right,
    To practice our own faith with freedom,
    Couldn't even cry out aloud,
    And instead were ordered to suffer in silence,

    Were made to live in constant fear,
    When imprisoned inside our own homeland,
    Then at last we finally realized,
    That we had the power of falcons wings of flight in every shoulder.

    Another injustice done by the oppressors,
    When fresh water started to taste like poison,
    Made us all realize that there is strength in numbers,

    Is when behind a formidable leader we found a purpose,
    We finally became an unstoppable force,
    Which is how every small gust of wind joined,
    And soon we all became like a tempest,
    This is how Pakistan was created.
    This is how Pakistan was created.
    Jerry Sullivan likes this.

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