We have three outdoor cats. Each has its personality. On Saturday, Buddy went to the vet to get shots, yearly check-up, and worming medicine. He was not happy and fought to stay out of the carrier. Once at the vet he calmed down and just grumped. Buddy is a cat that loves petting and being carried. He has not completely forgiven us yet. Today was Timi's turn. Timi likes everything to be on her terms so we were expecting to bleed a bit getting her into the carrier. Bless her little heart, she came into the house and we got her into the carrier without either of us bleeding. She didn't yell at us on the trip to the vet, and when there was purring so much the vet had problems getting an accurate heart rate read! Tomorrow is Cali's turn. She is very mellow, doesn't object to much of anything as long as she is getting petted, and we don't anticipate problems. Guess which cat is going to surprise us!
I can feel for you but look at it this way,, at least you only have three ! I have to start with shots for 8 (I think) counting ours and Jim`s dogs ! None of which are less than 60 lbs ! Most are quite good at the vets but Hound Dog ( yes thats his name ) is terrified of cars ! He was evidently dumped out here and sort of adopted us ! He thinks if he gets in a vehicle of any kind he is going to get dumped again ! May have to sweet talk the vet, who is our neighbor, to stop and give his shots here at the house !
I'm sure Cali will be fine Jane. Our dog is weird as he really loves going to the vet. He rushes in, tail wagging, and let's them do whatever they want.
Our dog LOOOOVES to go to the vet. our cat... not so much so as the ride is traumatizing. I think someone dumped him here just like Marts hounddog. The vet asked me where we got such nice animals one day and I replied... God brought them. I didn't want another house pet. I did not want a dog I did not want a cat! I prayed a very begrudging prayer if we needed a pet He needed to bring it to our door. heavens above! thats just what He did. One friend stopped and asked if we wanted a german shepherd puppy and I promptly responded no but God reminded me I prayed for this. so I went to look at it and was told 3 other people were looking at it. NONE of them wanted her. we were blessed and she loves to go to the vet. weird!
Carolyn, I know exactly what you mean. After our beloved Feliz died after 14 years of us loving and laughing at her, I swore never to have another pet. God decided I was a fool, and sent us a pregnant feral cat who had her kittens in the workshop. We fed them, and after weaning two left with mama cat and three stayed--the three we have now. I'm grateful to God for sending us the cats, and so very grateful She stopped at three! Our dogs always loved going to the vet, which involved a "car ridey" and an adoring public!