You won't believe who showed up in my yard the other day.... I guess they'd been hanging out in one of the neighbors kiddie pools and saw the lunch buffet of all different kind of bird feeders with seed scattered all over the ground below them and decided to waddle on over for a bite lol! ( photo / image / picture from Frugalkate's Garden )
The ducks did not want you to feel left out of their visiting list. They are equal opportunity eaters and your grass does look tasty. Jerry
They were back again today...with a I've got 3 of them showing up....I don't know if that is a good thing or bad one :-? ...
Just be careful of duck doo doo. Good thing they are not geese, then you get Goose goo. Then it's hard to sit on the lawn. Jerry
They're very cute. I'd love visitors like that but I'm afraid our tomcat would love them even better. Those are the perfect dinner size for him. You'd better keep them at you place I think. They're safer there.
I'm not so sure about that....Meet Max - he's been eyeballing them too while licking his chops... ( photo / image / picture from Frugalkate's Garden )