A friend and I went on a local garden tour yesterday. One of the stops on the tour was actually an artists home and gallery, with very few gardens but it was full of "garden sculptures". It was unlike anything I have ever seen before and made me think about Willy Wonka. This is the very first thing you see as you walk up a treed lane Then to the left you follow a trail and look up and see this The lighting made the photos look dark, but you get the idea of what I'm walking into. As you round the corner of the house, you begin to see a little better. Everything is made entirely of concrete and metal rods. The artist must have an amazing imagination! Willy Wonka's chocolate factory had a chocolate river that ran the entire way through the factory. This place had concrete sculptures everywhere, with a small concrete trough that carried water all over the property to several different water 'pools'. Here is a few different views of that trough, and some of the pools the water went to. If you look carefully you can see the trough under all the sculptures Almost everything was made of concrete, and he used glass and bottles and even broken dishes to add interest. This Army was made of wood, and each soldier had a concrete base and had metal guns. There was a path between them and if you wanted to get to the back of the property you had to walk through them. Some random things everywhere I took 144 photos of this property as there was so much to see! I will post some pictures from the gallery in another post. We could have spent the entire day here as there was so much to look at! This property has been a work in progress for 50 years!
I am thinking more like Dia de los Muertos than Willie Wonka. Lot of work and a strange imagination, hard to say it's pretty but very interesting it is.
That boy needs help! Just the entry path would put me off, and seeing all the skeletal remains and gargoyle-like critters makes me wonder what the artist does at night. Glad you enjoyed it, and more glad I wasn't there!
Well not exactly my taste but interesting none the less. I do know a few people who would really enjoy seeing this type of art. I think I'll stick to looking at your photographs though and appreciating all the work that went into creating the sculptures.