A few years ago, before I had to go offline, I posted about my pond garden. I had not been able to clear the path for about 3 years due to mower problems. That is fixed, so yesterday I finished clearing the path to my pond. Yay. I went down there to see how my little garden has fared, and the day lilies are fine, and a bridal wreath shrub I had planted. All of my other flowers--irises, sedums, Rose of Sharon bushes are gone. Whether they drowned--we had record rains in 2015, and also the end of April this year I had 23.75 inches of rain in only 12 days-- or got eaten by animals or stolen, who knows. I was wondering if anyone knew of some good plants that do not mind being neglected for long periods of time, and or are deer resistant? .
I only found 4 in our plant database that are both bog plants and deer resistant.... Equisetum hyemale (Horsetail, Scouring Rush) Aconitum napellus (Monkshood, Aconite) Carex buchananii 'Fox Red' (Fox Red Curly Sedge) Rhynchospora colorata (Starrush Whitetop, Star Sedge, White Topped Sedge) But you might also try Canna they love boggy areas.
I have some cannas, they might be moved. And I have thousands of irises. I had planted some down there, but they are gone. Guess I can try some more. Two legged varmints might have gotten them? Those others I have never heard of, nor seen anywhere. I will have to write them down, and see if I can find some.