I have a 40ft by 10ft frint yard. I have flower beds along the edges. The lawn itself is in a bad shape. I don't want to spend a lot of money on the lawn. The problem is there are a few bare patches here and there in the lawn. Any ideas how to cover those up? Or maybe plant something there? Basically something that would not be a eye sore it is now.
Turn the ground with a shovel and plant Zinnias as they grow fast and make wonderful early bouquets.I love them and so do hummingbirds and butterflies. They grow in almost any soil but a little compost will help them along.
Thanks for the responses. Glenn -I could put in the zinnia like you suggested - I even have seedlings coming out now. But won't it look odd in the middle of the lawn. Dooley - Garden junk meaning? I could do groupings too. Do you have a picture. Sorry if I am being to
Hi Tina, Dooley is referring to this: http://www.gardenstew.com/forum-35.html Hope you can get some nice ideas
Tina, find some bricks or even some cute wire fencing from Dollar General, Big Lots or the fake brick look from HD or Lowes to edge the planting area then it looks like a planned garden spot. With several spots to cover, put different flowers in each one or maybe a flowering shrub or rose bush in one or two. Flower beds are not just for along the front of the house or the edge of the lawn, in the middle of the yard will look good. If you like gazing balls and the bare area is large enough, put one in the center on a stand and plant zinnia's around it or if the spot is in shade plant some Hosta's and place the gazing ball on the ground among them.
I had bare spots and put Big rocks around it and finally put a black square of plastic and took boards (you can use landscape timber and filled it with compost and made a bulb bed out of it .Its now about a 5x6 bed.I do plant zinnias in it too.I have a little of eveything in it now.