Thinking spring as the snow flies in the Puget Sound region of Western Washington. Guess its time to coddle the house plants and start the tenders I lifted before the freeze killed them. Unusal weather around the country. Here its no different.
Hi Jewell and welcome to GardenStew. Do let us know what plants you like and hobbies / interests you have. Don't forget to check out our blogs, member map and upload any plant images you have to PlantStew for all to see Details here: // frank
It's pretty crazy alright, and we are supposed to get more tonight and tomorrow? Yipe! Ok, I guess we are spoiled-rotten weather wimps by, say, Minnesota standards, but I LIKE being a weather wimp! *shiver*
Welcome to GardenStew Jewell. Our weather in Scotland doesn't seem to be able to make up it's mind just what to do. We've had snow, sleet, rain, sunshine and gale force winds - all in one day!!! I look forward to getting to know you. :-D
Hello Jewell and welcome to our Stew from central Texas .Our weather has gone nuts here too.We have had snow and freezing weather and 2 Canadian cold fronts coming down.
Hello Jewell and welcome to our Stew from central Texas .Our weather has gone nuts here too.We have had snow and freezing weather and 2 Canadian cold fronts coming down.
Welcome from Illinois. We have had rain, freezing rain, snow and single digit temps with below zero wind chills. All in the past three days. We have ice storms forecast for tomorrow. What a start to our winter. Glad to have you aboard. Wannabe
Welcome Jewell, from South Louisiana. Today it was 75 degrees and the weather man said it should be in the 70's the next four days. A couple of weeks ago we had the first snow in several years. So, the weather has been a bit unusual here too. 8)
Hello Jewell, welcome to the Stew. I'm in Norway, and haven't got any snow. Last I heard it was in Spain. Weird weather indeed.