I think it's some sort of lily, and it's pretty big the flower part must be about a foot long. I only know one person I could ask and he doesn't know and who ever planted it is long gone, it's in a yard that I do yard work in and the house is for sale and has been empty for three years now. Lily type flower ( photo / image / picture from PillsburyDoughboy's Garden ) moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
Very beautiful color! It looks like (Dracunculus vulgaris) which has a few common names, one being Voodoo lily....It's actually an aroid.
Come on this can't be real? While looking online for voodoo lily photos I found one that is really tall it must have been 8-9 feet tall, the flower that is, is that even possible? I thought the pic must be a fake. http://www.day-lab.com/blog/voodool3.jpg
The photo in the link shows what looks like a flower called 'Amorphophallus titanum' Or, corpse flower, what a name huh? So that should give you an idea how wonderful it smells, lol. I don't see any leaves like yours with that flower. Maybe voodoo lily was just another common name it had??? Your Dracunculus vulgaris can reach around 6 ft.
Yeah I knew the one in the link wasn't a Voodoo lily, I was just wondering it was real? I have never seen such a tall flower. And when you say the Voodoo Lily will get six feet tall is that the plant or will it have a giant flower like the one in the link.
I found the other photo of the plant Enjoy Voodoo Lily ( photo / image / picture from PillsburyDoughboy's Garden )
The plant itself can grow 6' and the flowers do get big, but not as huge as 'Amorphophallus titanum' I have read that your plant can have a certain smell too that might not be nice, but it last only a day or two. Have you noticed an scent with yours?
Like I said it's the neighbors plant and I only see it when I go over there to do yard work but no I haven't noticed the scent. In fact last year was the first time I saw it in bloom, the year before I don't recall seeing it and it looks like the house might be sold soon so I might be able to see it again but I would love to buy one if my dad would plant it, I still live at home for now so my yard is my dad's yard.