What kind of lighting is needed for growing Coleus inside?

Discussion in 'Houseplants' started by gardennut, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. gardennut

    gardennut Seedling

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Ohio-zone 6
    My hubby got me a whole bag of flower seeds, they are in packets from the dollar store and I thought I would try to grow Coleus. The foliage looks beautiful and every page and everything on them that I can find say that they are easy to grow, so going to give it a try, I have two pots of them now, one the seeds are lightly covered with soil and the other one they are just sitting on the soil. I also have plastic on them to keep the moisture in. I have a question, can I put them in the picture window and then when the weather gets cooler put them under the flourescent lights?

    moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    I grew them for many years indoors. I always kept them on the windowsill except in the height of summer. Then I just moved them to another window. I never needed to use electrical lights.

    They always did so well that when they became too large and unruly, I simply cut off several select branches, put them in water until they rooted...then I planted them in a new pot. It went on for years this way. I finally gave the plant away and moved on to other plants.

    Did the seed package suggest that you leave the seeds on top of the soil, uncovered?
    purpleinopp likes this.
  4. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    AFAIK, Coleus seeds need light to germinate.

    I also keep them in a windowsill, or as close to an E/W/S window as possible. The weaker rays of winter, lasting for such a shorter time each day, make increased exposure necessary for most plants that have been brought in from outside. As in, the shade plants won't appreciate a dim corner. But don't despair if it doesn't stay looking perfect. As long as it's still alive, it should get back to looking great soon after being able to go outside again.

    I also take cuttings to save in water in windowsills for winter, been doing it for about 20 years, some years much more than others. Most of my Coleus go in the ground, so it's a lot easier to harvest cuttings than dig up roots.

    Whether cuttings or rooted plants, Coleus should come inside, at least at night, when temps start to go below 50. If exposed to colder temps, they can be damaged.
  5. DMJ24

    DMJ24 Seedling

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Greer SC 29651
    Be sure to pinch back the flower stalks as they form. Otherwise they become leggy. Very easy to grow and pretty.
  6. gardennut

    gardennut Seedling

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Ohio-zone 6

    I am very anxious to see color, I know there is a lot of them that I am going to have to get rid of, but they are so tiny that there was no way you could put just one seed in one pot. How many can you put in one pot? I have a 15 inch pot and I have 8 seedlings in there, is that enough or should I take out some of those too? Help!!!! Sorry to be so much trouble.

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