What sign are you?

Discussion in 'Jokes and Games' started by Pinkiered, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    Ive noticed theres alot of birthdays in July...thats alot of Cancers in one place!!! :eek: Ohhhhh the mood swings! LOL

    I would love to know what other signs are out there!

    OH BTW this is one of my hobbies. The different signs and the personatily traits that go with them. PLUS I go one step farther and find out what your birth planet was in when you were born. Example, Im a Cancer... the Moon rules Cancers (water sign). Now my Moon was in Aries when I was born..Aries is ruled by Mars(God of War). I have a hot temper with the backside to back it up! :D With Cancers, we like to "mother" and take care of ppl. But being a Cancer in Aries, I will help you but you get one chance. If you break my trust or hurt me or mine in any way, Ill never help you again and you WONT be in my life at all.

    I can go on and on about planets and signs! I love this stuff!

    Water and earth signs are more amped to garden so it wouldnt surprise me if we were mostly water and earth signs. And if you garden and are an air or fire sign, then I will bet my bottom dollar that your planet was in a water or earth sign when you were born!

    If you want me to find out what your planet was in when you were born, I will need month/day/year you were born.

    Cant wait to hear what we have here!What fun!
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  3. jubabe296

    jubabe296 Official Garden Fairy

    Mar 18, 2006
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    south central Texas
    Hey Denee!! This is a great forum idea!! my dob is 4/14/1968. I can't wait to hear about ME!!!
  4. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Mine is 7/20/1943 at 3:10 PM
  5. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    OK Mars is your Ruling planet, meaning it rules the sign of Aries (your sign). BUT Mars was in Taurus when you were born. Mars is a Fire sign BUT Taurus is a earth sign! Theres where your love of gardening comes from!

    Now the one thing that makes you different from other Aries (which is ruled by Mars the god of war) is that while most Aries will charge foward on the war path, because of Venus influence, you dont attack, you attract. You will channel your Aries aggressive energy into creating order out of disorder. You dont like upsets and will go out of your way to fix them.
    You are the perfect mix of the two signs. They balance each other well. You are feisty and tempermental, peace loving and gracious. Alot off ppl aften dont know what to make of you.

    You dont settle for second best and you work harder and play hard.You also have expensive taste thanks to Venus but Ppl with Venus as an influence, you are good at wheeling and dealing.

    But Mars still has a hand in your life. Nothing gets your dander up faster than someone calling you a cheat. Its hard for you not to take out your best one liners and slap them across the face with it.

    OK I could go on and on but Ill stop...LOL

  6. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    OK We know you are a Cancer which is ruled by the Moon and a water sign but you have a double whammy. Your Moon was in Pisces when you were born. Anther water sign! You were damed at birth to garden!LOL

    I hope I dont confuse you with the following! heres why, Pisces is rulled by not one but two planets! Juptiter AND Neptune.

    You have the high mindness of Jupiter and the soulful depth of Neptune.

    With your Moon in Pisces everything about who you are is BIG! You have big hopes, dreams and expections. Because of that you are no stranger to disappointment but you have the ablity to to rebound faster than most.

    You are sometimes pulled by the three planets but most often they work together to make your life eventful.
    The Neptune in you isnt too happy with the state of the world you live in. You can turn back on the world and say, " Not for me. I would rather live in my dreams."
    But Juptier refuses to accept resignation.The Jupiter in you (the planet of journeys) will go just about anywhere for the experince . Its the insistence that theres a higher purpse that keeps you climbing back up out of your steep pitfalls.
    The Moon in you knows that life moves in cycles. If something doesnt come together, theres alwaya a chance it will later.
  7. Primsong

    Primsong Young Pine

    Apr 15, 2006
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    I think my sign is "Slow Road with No Shoulders"... or possibly "Duck Crossing."
  8. bethie

    bethie Young Pine

    Jun 8, 2006
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    How Nice. I display many of my Pisces signs especially the secretive side. My DOB is 2/24/55. 8)
  9. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Sounds like jubabe for sure and me too I think.lol
    Thanks for checking it out for me.
  10. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Doesn't say I hate surprises .I really really do .Not sure why .
  11. Desert Rat

    Desert Rat The Dusty Blogger

    Mar 12, 2006
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    O.K. DOB 6-13-40. Under the chinese system, I am a dragon.
  12. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    Pisces (water sign)is ruled by both Planets, Jupiter and Nuptune and at the time of your birth and both were in retro or retrograde when you were born meaning, backward motion.The planets didnt actually move in a backwards but appeared to do so against the constellations in the sky.

    Because you have two different birth planet, you have the honor of two different signs your planets were in at the time of your birth. Because theres so much because of this, Ill just touch on each a little.

    Juptier in retro means some of the traits of Jupiter are turned inside out. Since Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and higher purpose, thats what gets turn around. This isnt to say that you cant win at anything, even a coin toss. What it implies is that you regard fate as fickle and accepted long ago that its up to you to make your own luck.

    Jupiter was in Cancer(water)-
    The Moon ,Planet of emotions and memory, rules the sign Cancer. No matter how many ups and downs you experience, you will always remain the same sympathic, good nature person. It takes alot to bent you out of shape. Thats because the Moons nature is to accommodate while Jupiters is to incorporate. This combination makes you adaptable and resilient. You always bounce back. Though your appearance and circumstances will often change dramatically, you never lose touch with who you are.

    Neptune in retro- Since Nuptune is the planet of glamour and illusion, thats what gets turned inside out. That doesnt mean that your a wallflower or will develope a jaded outlook because youve been burned so many times. What it means is you tend to see through things right away and often anticipate the current events.

    Nuptune was in Libra when you were born (air sign) and is ruled by Venus.
    You beleive that two ppl together can accommlish more than anyone alone. This is why you are so choosy about the company you keep and will only hook up with that special person or persons, you know will bring out the best in you and vice visa. Lost causes, emotional wrecks and thankless obligations need not apply. If someone is not up to stuff, then you will show this person to the door. You are guided by a vision of beauty and harmony and are looking for just the right ppl who are going to make that happen.

    And you will find that all four do interact in your life. Beacuse Cancer wants to help ppl, the ppl that start gathering around you because of Jupiters funloving side and because ppl see Neptunes as safe habors, theres always seems to be that one person that you really dont want there, but dont want to hurt thier feellings or cause waves. But the Venus in you sees how much they are will to "pay" to be there(discount on a new pair of shoes, a plant, etc). You should read up on Venus more because ppl with Venus influences are famous for getting what they wont without lifting a finger to do it.
  13. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    I only bearly touched on each. Theres sooooooo much more to it than just what you read.

    But I can tell you this. As a Cancer we hate not knowing! No matter what it is. It falls back to the control issues all Cancers have. We HAVE to be in control of what goes on around us. Even if we sit back and let someone else plan the party, we have our hands in it, to be sure. A hint here , a suggestion there. Because Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the Moon being such a fast moving "planet", our moods a swift and sometimes look to others as unstable, tho we are quite stable, thank you very much and can seem at times that our world is spirling out of control! Because we have no control over our moods, we seek to control other aspects of our lives. Hence, the hated surprises.

    My hubby and I are both Cancers. And we have taken to waiting until the last min to buy gift for each other because we hate surprises so much! LOL
  14. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    Your sign is Virgo (earth) which is ruled by Mercury. At the time of your birth, it was in Cancer (water).
    LMAO! After figuring all this out and reading it, its no wonder you are a writer! Words and actions are very important to you, those spoken or not spoken, those written and not written. You can talk to a person and know when they are lying by what they are not saying and thier body language. You read ppl. How the eyes meet, or dont meet or if the gaze totally avoids contact. You take notice. When you write, you lose yourself. You completely let go. You are in a world all your own. Mercury forms the words and Cancer allows you to see it in your mind. But what bothers you the most at times, is the words never written. A story line you never follow through with or the one that never made it pass rough draft.
    In the stories you do written, you sometimes tend to over read something, trying to find the best way to write it. You strive to have your reader "see" the picture you have laid out on the table. The Cancer in you loves the creative outlet while the Mercury in you loves the work. But on the flipside of that, the Cancer in you, makes you your hardest critic and theres times where you just arent happy with it, while the Mercury in you wants to start over or rethink the whole direction the story is going in.

    Take a deep breathe and walk away. When the Cancer in you is done being moody, you will finally gt some work done.
  15. Hank

    Hank Seedling

    Jun 20, 2006
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    I bite: 9/28/70
    Almost scared to see the results.
  16. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    Libra (air) is ruled by Venus and Venus was in Scorpio (water) when you were born. Scorpio is where you gardening comes from but on top of that is where your love of hot peppers comes from. Scropios dont mind a "sting" or "burn" , in fact, if a person burns them or stings them, you sometimes get a kick out of it...later of course.

    Scropio is ruled by two planets. Mars (temper,temper) and Pluto (deep feeling). You are senstive but lets noone see it. If your feelings are hurt, you will turn that pain into anger and using the sharp in of the Scorpios tail, will strike back.

    Because if Venus, you pledge allegiances first- then ask questions later. This can lead to making alot of promise that are difficult to keep. This is hardly a unique postion for you. You hate to be alone and will hook up with someone until something better comes along. What makes your different is that your Mars side will insist you keep your word. And because of Plutos tenacity, you can force yourself to remain in a highly unsatisfactory situation. It may even be a point of pride for you. This could have proved a burden on your younger years. However, Pluto takes these difficutlies and spins a cocoon out of them so when the time comes for you to reemerge, you will be dramatically transformed.

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