Now that you can paste your uploaded Garden photos into GardenStew forum posts and blogs would it be a good idea to add a little piece of text to the images to show that they come from your Garden? Here is an example of what it would look like (notice text at bottom of image): The text will say something like "Hosted at [your username here]'s Garden. Click image to leave a comment" This way everyone will know that they can actually click on the image to go to the photo's page and perhaps leave you a comment. What do you think?
Would that mean members should only comment about the photo in the PlantStew Garden and not in the forum post or blog like they do now?
Yes that's a really good point Toni. I think maybe the text should say "Click image to visit [username]'s Garden" instead of "Click image to leave a comment". If a member wants to leave a comment when they visit the Garden then that can be their choice. I still believe that posting images in the forum and blogs is the best and most social way to receive comments on images. Having a place to easily host images is the role of the Garden feature. Leaving a comment on a image/photo's page would more preferably occur when a member is browsing through a member's albums at their own leisure. Does this make sense? Thanks for bringing this important point up Toni. EDIT: Updated image with new text