I was talking to Glenda the other day and she wanted me to take some pictures of my yard because I'm always saying things about Chance's yard and the little backyard and the lower backyard and the side yard and the little front yard and she wanted to see the different ones. I didn't take all of them because some of them are really messy. I have 12 separate yards inside of our large yards. First, Chance's backyard, a couple of it. This one is the bush in the middle of the yard which isn't really a bush. It's a huge purple clover plant. This is the lower backyard where we planted the apple trees. This is where Chance likes to go check to see what the cats in the next yard are up to. This is my really messy garden area. After I hurt my knee last year I didn't go out there again. One of these days I have to go and rebuild the terrace and clean up the mess. This is the little backyard next to the back door. You can only see the sitting area. There is also under the grapevines where Chance has her deck and another sitting area and a small storage shed. This is the sideyard where the rose bushes and apricot trees are located. They shade the yard a good portion of the day. Then, we have the lower drive. Those little trees are Arizona cypress and will at some point 30 years from now be 50 or 60 feet tall. Well, there are a few more areas but I won't post the messy storage area or the back side yard or the little front yard because I still have work to do in them, also. I hope you liked the tour. dooley
Wonderful yards Laura .All those yards would confuse me.They all have a use .Chance must love it there.I would love a bridge like hers.
You've got lots of different plots to play in, I'd probably be lost in five minutes at your place. Chance's yard is so nice with that little bridge. I'd love to sit in your back yard with a cup of coffee and enjoy your flowers. Don't worry about the mess. Some seasons are just too short for some reason. I think your place looks great.
I think I'd like to come along and share a cup of coffee with you and Droopy Dooley. We could all while away the time just talking gardens!!!!
Dooley, I think it all looks great. Mine is a mess from where I dug an over grown bed out, I need to finish planting that this morning. Remember, a gardener's work is never done.
I did actually get a lot done yesterday but there is still much to do. I guess it's never done as it's a growing entity. Most of the mess is what I leave sitting around thinking I'll be back and not having time to get back before it's overgrown again. dooley
Thanks for the tour. I like the bridge and I am trying to talk my husband into building or buying me one. He keeps asking me where I will put it. If I can come up with an answer maybe I'll get a bridge.
I can answer that one for Dooley. We have a wash that runs under the bridge when it rains. It looks cool then. You just have to invent a wash. dr
We just have two city lots, I think they are about 60 ft by 120 ft each. One lot has the house and one lot has a big shed. I have always for some reason divided my yards into sections.It started when we had animals and we had a different yard for each kind and one for vegetables and a front yard and a back yard and a side yard and whatever else came about. They haven't always had a fence but this time they are fenced for the most part. Some of the fences were already here and some we added to keep Chance out of things or in from things. We put her in the little yard when we leave since she tangled with a skunk. The little yard doesn't have a fence on the outside fence line. The skunk was in the alley and Chance was in the yard telling it to go away. I had to get the hose to make it go away. Chance had to stay outside that night. dooley
Whaqt a nice group of pictures... they really give a good idea of your lay-out. You sure do have some nice areas to play in there, don't you? It looks like it's already sorta warm there. You must have an enormous yard to have it all divided-up like that. I take my hat off to you. You've done an awful lot of work...and it's looking good. I know those cypress trees...they will be beautiful when they are 'adults'. Thank you loads for showing these pics. I could go for a cuppa and some chatting there as well.
Count me in but I'll have some chamomile (sp? sorry) tea but I'm good at talking. Great pics, all of them. I love the bridge as well. I've been trying to a few years to figure out where I could put one. I'm still working on it...maybe some day. LOL! Thanks for sharing.