dr and I went to a community yard sale on Friday. We picked up lots of things. Way too many to post here. So, we picked out a few and dr took pictures. Tramp Art Bench and Little chairs The Duke These are pillars, taken from the Luxor Hotel & Casino when they remodeled. There are four posts and four top pieces. dr bought this harmonium. It's from India. I think he will resell it eventually. dooley
We went to a community garage sale on Saturday and didn't find anything as good as what you found. :'( I really like the post and top pieces.
I do love the post lounge and chair and most of all is that a bronze Duke?Wow I love it all .Ya'll did make some great finds.
You did very well indeed at the yard sale. Where do you plan to locate The Duke? Will he get a horse? The harmonium looks to be in great condition, it's in good working yes? Great finds.
Wow! My little planter and ?school desk are not much against all your finds. I am going to try to take pictures and put on for you to see. Probably tomorrow. Wannabe
Wow, you do have some great finds there! I'd buy them all myself, but never have that much luck I guess.