Do anyone out there have any knowledge on Zoysia lawn plugs? My husband is looking into this. Our lawn was never properly layed when we built the house 2 years ago and has since been very sketchy. We are talking about starting our landscaping and first and formost need to establish a nice lawn. The rest will fall into place. Just curious if anyone has any suggestions/opinions about it. My brother-in-law has this lawn in FL and he loves it. It's supposed to grow anywhere.
I checked into it years back and they said that it turns brown for the whole Winter in anything above Pa. I have taken notice of grasses and some around me do turn brown. I don't know what kind of grass they have but some are still not green. The people were very hesitant in selling me it for that reason. I am in the Northeastern corner of Pa. My green stuff around my house is weed, no grass.... I would love some grass one day. Barb in Pa.
My brother-in-law installed a zoysia lawn many years ago. They were in southern Illinois and the grass turned brown with the first hard frost. The accepted method of renewing zoysia in the spring was to burn it off! He didn't want to do that, and his lawn looked poor for three years, when he stripped it off and replaced it with another grass.I'm sure zoysia has been improved in the meantime, and arson is no longer suggested. You could buy a small amount of plugs, put them in a section and see how it goes.
Thanks WT and MG, notes taken. They did mention that it will turn brown on first frost, but since we are in So. ME our grass turns brown in the fall and then is eventually covered by snow. They did mention that it comes back in the spring (I think on it's own, no mention of burning). My DH is pretty thorough with his research and I'm sure he'll do it all before making a decision, but I wanted to see if there was a gardners perspective and let him know.
Zoysia I would suggest using sod. Plugs will take a long time to establish. My experience with this grass was in Atlanta. Treat it like Bermuda grass. That means getting a reel mower.