GardenStew Starter Pack / About GardenStew

Discussion in 'Welcome to GardenStew' started by Frank, Jul 12, 2006.

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  1. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Hi there,

    If you are reading this you are probably new to our community here at GardenStew. In case you have not heard it from our members yet...
    WELCOME! :smt039

    Here are some simple steps to get you started:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    1/ Introduce Yourself: Make your first post by writing a simple introduction in the Welcome to GardenStew forum.

    2/ Customising your Profile: Members like to customise their profile to give them more personality within the site. They do this by uploading an image to represent them (avatar/profile picture) as well as adding a signature that will appear at the bottom of each post/message they write. All this can be done through your account page (note: you must be logged in for the this link to work).

    3/ Forums: Starting browsing our many forums to get an idea of the threads covered by the site. Look for the link above so you will never miss a post:


    4/ Gardens: This is a fun feature that allows you to have a personal Garden here at GardenStew. You can upload photos, update the community about your garden and also add plants to it. Visit the Gardens feature here.

    5/ Plant Database: We have our very own plant database called GardenStew PLANTS. It is a place where the whole community can share their plant knowledge and learn lots of new things about plants everyday. For an introduction to this feature is recommended to read our quick getting started with GardenStew PLANTS page. It is a very useful feature that we hope will benefit you very much.

    6/ Blogs: Have a look at our member blogs. These are blogs (online journals) kept by our members where they write about their gardening experiences and stuff that is going on in their lives. They are amazingly interesting and each members values their blog very highly. You can leave comments for members on their blogs and they love this! One important point to make, each member can start their very own blog for free. There is no special requirement for starting a blog other then being a member of the site.

    7/ Posting Photos: Members love to post photos of their gardens, pets, homes, family, everything really. This is mainly done in the special Member's Gallery forum. To learn how to do this read "How To: Post Images".

    8/ GardenStew on Facebook / Twitter: If you use either Facebook or Twitter be sure to add us!
    GardenStew on Facebook
    GardenStew on Twitter

    9/ Rules: It would be great if you read through our forum rules at least once.

    We hope you found this thread quite useful. A top priority, apart from giving out great advice and help, is to make all members feel welcomed and comfortable within the community. So if you need any further assistance feel free to start a topic in the Suggestions / Comments / Help forum, or contact the administrators or moderators directly by Conversation / Inbox.

    Thanks for reading and see you on the site!!! :sete_018:
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2023
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